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Is it time to stop bringing any more migrants in?


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Guest C & A

Whilst the SA government is on a win win situation with migrants (ie you have to look after yourself for 2 years no matter that the visa you came on has no jobs) it will not stop

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I don't see why the SA Government should be blamed for people not getting jobs. Don't all migrants choose to come here. Historically some states had Poms sent to them, SA wasn't one, but in today's world the choice is our own.


I appreciate that migrants coming and getting jobs does sometimes hinder those already here as well, but that is a different debate. As others keep saying you can only get a job in Adelaide if you know people, so new migrants would struggle to get work anyway!

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Guest AJ1881

So how bad is...


Are the new migrants' homes being torched? Them and their families publically spat at, or maybe even stoned?


Australia always had (not an open door) reasonable immigration policy, hence why there are points in place for relevant things. Unlike in Britain where one does not even have to speak fluent English to work in a professional occupation. For instance a Spaniot working in a professional role paid £35k pa speaking to HMRC ' Hello, this (DIS) A...(states his name and goes on in conversation).....you know what I talk about, I have to axe (this means 'ask')'


My feeling is Australia remains within its economic requirements, it is in fact immigrant communities that (more often than not) enrich country's economy. There are support services, such as immigration advisors, governmental institutions, assessing bodies and so on 'feeding' of it. Unlike in UK under EU rules.


However, as an immigrant to England (in 1999, and naturalised Brit who just saw it all fall apart during 2001-2009) I also appreciate the notion of 'jobs for all who are already there'.


Perhaps the focus and gauging of what type of professionals are coming into the country should be better benchmarked and monitored more swiftly. Unfortunately Statistics are always feeding too slowly into official pools, thus preventing 'real time' (for better of worse word) policy implementation.


But hats down to DIAC the GSM list indicates occupational requirements changes, so at least they are attempting to protect existing pool.


there you are, they do care about those already IN, you lucky lucky people!

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I don't see why the SA Government should be blamed for people not getting jobs. Don't all migrants choose to come here. Historically some states had Poms sent to them, SA wasn't one, but in today's world the choice is our own.


I appreciate that migrants coming and getting jobs does sometimes hinder those already here as well, but that is a different debate. As others keep saying you can only get a job in Adelaide if you know people, so new migrants would struggle to get work anyway!


Because in a federal system, the state government is the primary body responsible for the economic condition of the state. The state government is also responsible for the BS marketing promoting this state to migrants as place of opertunity. Even the climate which is promoted as mediterranean is rubbish.


The reality is the marketing of SA doesnt match the reality, a bit like most modern marketing full of hot air.


Adelaide has alot of problems and no direction. Ignoring it or blaming others for choosing to come here wont fix them.

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Guest Guest12727
Because in a federal system, the state government is the primary body responsible for the economic condition of the state. The state government is also responsible for the BS marketing promoting this state to migrants as place of opertunity.


Adelaide has alot of problems and no direction. Ignoring it or blaming others for choosing to come here wont fix them.


As you have correctly highlighted, SA govt promotes the State. However, most migrants want to settle in Adelaide. Many shortages of professions are in regional areas, not in the Capital.

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Migrants talking about stopping other migrants coming here. This just cracks me up.


There is a big misunderstanding here. Everyone living in South Australia is a migrant or the child/grandchild of a migrant. Everyone you'll meet is at least partly a migrant! SA was always a free settler state whereas in other Eastern States like NSW or Victoria there were convicts with a long migration history over many generations. This statement is off the point when you look at Australian history.

Of course you can only communicate with migrants and the good thing is the longer people live here the more they can give advise and tips regardless talking about of positive aspects or negative ones coming here.

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Guest Claire-n-tel
Everyone living in South Australia is a migrant or the child/grandchild of a migrant. Everyone you'll meet is at least partly a migrant!


Hmmmm tell that to the Kaurna people!.......


Rabeah i think this was meaning people who have chosen to migrate here advising potential new migrants, as opposed to some one whose great-great-great-great-great-grandfather moved to kangaroo island in 1836.

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Australia always had (not an open door) reasonable immigration policy,!


I think you made a lot of really good points, AJ1881, however I had to pick up on this one.


Until relatively recently, and particularly after the Second World War, the White Australia policy was in force.


It was only in 1973 that the government changed policy so that race could not count against you in migrant selection.


Furthermore, our current pollies have promised to change the Race Discrimination Act (or whatever it is called), apparently to protect freedom of speech. Many groups have protested against the weakening of race-hate legislation.


Aboriginal people are still waiting to be formally included in the Australian Constitution, which is pretty pants.


I know the last two points are off your topic, but I thought you might find them interesting. Hope so :)


:smile: LC

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Guest Claire-n-tel
Can tell you live in Adelaide / Adelaide Plains lol!


:wink: LC


PS. Not only because you state your location as Glenelg (which makes it pretty obvious), but because of the Aboriginal people you mentioned!


He he he!......nope my 'family' are Arrernte people :rolleyes:

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Guest AJ1881
Until relatively recently, and particularly after the Second World War, the White Australia policy was in force.


It was only in 1973 that the government changed policy so that race could not count against you in migrant selection.


Aboriginal people are still waiting to be formally included in the Australian Constitution, which is pretty pants.


Hi LC,


I knew about issues and hm......(not sure how shall I put it).... unfair treatment of those whom should be described as true Australians. I became aware that until 1973 (shocking!) children of mixed race were 'taken'. And it was less than half a decade ago (if I remember rightly) that there was some kind of 'apology' .


One thing we are being told is that we are 'free', yet from birth there is an expectation of 'having a stamp on ones bottom' to prove one belongs to a specific tribe. This tribe is than considered to be better or worse in the context of intellect, trustworthiness, social adaptability and so on... In summary inferior or superior to another 'tribe' as a comparator. Maybe Crazy Horse was not so crazy, who owns the planet?


See my point..., we all have to tick off boxes only because there are monsters in every tribe, so one has to prove own worthiness.


It all started as a simple way of protecting scarce resources, but look what has happed throughout the history.

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