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So long Adelaide.. I am going to Melbourne

Guest wijaya

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Hi All

Life is always full of surprises, you never know what's going to happen.. So with a heavy heart and excitement, I would bade farewell to Adelaide, a city where we live in the last 3 years, as I am going to Melbourne for a new job. I did not look and did not plan to go there, and was quite happy to live and spend probably the rest of my life here, till a message came from a friend in Facebook about a vacancy only two days before closing.. Did not fancy to apply initially, but the missus said why not tried and see whether you could get it.. To make story shorts, after two interviews and 4 week apart, I got the nod.. With salary nearly triple what I earn here in Adelaide, this is now become a very good opportunity to miss. After the excitement of getting the job, now come the nervous parts: where to live, find schools for the kids and how to survive in a new workplace.. But hey.. life is also full of hopes and to be enjoyed..



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Hi All

Life is always full of surprises, you never know what's going to happen.. So with a heavy heart and excitement, I would bade farewell to Adelaide, a city where we live in the last 3 years, as I am going to Melbourne for a new job. I did not look and did not plan to go there, and was quite happy to live and spend probably the rest of my life here, till a message came from a friend in Facebook about a vacancy only two days before closing.. Did not fancy to apply initially, but the missus said why not tried and see whether you could get it.. To make story shorts, after two interviews and 4 week apart, I got the nod.. With salary nearly triple what I earn here in Adelaide, this is now become a very good opportunity to miss. After the excitement of getting the job, now come the nervous parts: where to live, find schools for the kids and how to survive in a new workplace.. But hey.. life is also full of hopes and to be enjoyed..




Great news about the pay! SA is still a good place for a holiday.


All the best,


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In case some of you wondering what I was doing and what I am going to do. In the last 3 years since we came from England, I mostly worked as a child carer with income around 40 k a year. Working in a child care center and also doing some emergency care for GOM's children. Children of GOM is Guardian of the Minister, those who have been taken away from their parents with various reasons.. Very challenging and very interesting jobs.. Now I am going to Melbourne to work in my "old" field, journalism, where the payment is nearly 100 k + 15.4 % of super. The job is a niche where only few people could do, as it involves more than one language comprehension..


I felt lucky that I am/was involved in two very contrast jobs but still give the same excitement.

Edited by wijaya
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Apart from the money, you'll regret your move. Good luck all the same.


That's a very one eyed opinion..... I know lots of ppl that have left Adelaide for Melbourne and loved it..... It would be my next choice too!. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone shouldn't!


Good luck guys..... Melbourne is a great place to live!

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Apart from the money, you'll regret your move. Good luck all the same.


Doug M.

I haven't heard anything bad about Melbourne so far apart from the weather.. Cosmopolitan, various excotic eating places, more like England than any other place in Oz bla bla.. After surviving London for 16 years, lived in "rough" place like Plaistow (near Stratford) before moving to Morden (near Wimbledon), hopefully Melbourne will be like a piece of cake..haha.

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Congratulations and good luck wijaya:notworthy:, Melbourne would a little down the list for me, but a good job and wages are at the top, money isn't everything, but it sure as hell makes life's journey a lot easier. One good thing about Melbourne (maybe the only good thing when I think about it) is they have a decent rugby league team and it is a great sport to watch, heaps better than the shirt pulling, diving, rolling about crying wolf, game of football (soccer).

Enjoy your new beginning, onwards and upwards!

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