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Is it Appropriate to Hire an Agency to write CDR for an Australian Visa?


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CDR is a must-have in obtaining a skilled migration visa, for which your CDR report needs to stand out amongst various Engineer applicants in Australia. And hence you can say that writing a CDR requires a lot of focus, experience, and time. If you believe you have good CDR writing skills, that's great, but if you are somewhat uncertain about writing a CDR, you should be seeking professional help.

Why do Most CDR Reports Gets Rejected?

Engineers in Australia without qualifications in engineering are required to show their competency through a CDR report. A CDR Report can help EA test your talents and abilities to decide whether you could get permission to stay and work in Australia. The CDR comprises the following essential components: Curriculum Vitae (CV), Three Career Episodes, Continuing Professional Development (CPD), and Summary Statement.

Many applicants try to create their own CDR report. However, when applicants are less experienced with the rules, guidelines, and CDR writing skills of EA, they tend to make more mistakes which can eventually lead their reports to get rejected. Below are a few common reasons for the rejection of the CDR reports by Engineers Australia (EA):

  • CDR report is not according to EA guidelines
  • Improper structure and word count
  • Grammatical errors and the presence of plagiarism
  • Absence of essential scanned document
  • Irrelevant career episodes and other information
  • Wrong structure of the Career Episodes, summary statement, and CPD
  • Lack of enough evidence to support the ideas in the CDR report
  • CDR in a different language other than English
  • Career episodes are too technical
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The passage highlights the importance of a strong Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) for engineers immigrating to Australia. Here's a summary:

  • CDR Importance: A well-written CDR showcases your engineering skills and increases your chances of getting a skilled migration visa.

  • Considering Professional Help: While you can write your own CDR, if you're unsure about the process or guidelines, seeking professional help can be beneficial.

The passage also details common reasons for CDR rejection. By understanding these pitfalls, you can increase your chances of a successful CDR application.

Edited by lisakent86
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