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Everything posted by jo_marnes

  1. It's scary but no worse than the UK. In fact, wait lists here are often better than the UK. I had a gastro referral and my public appt came before a private could fit me in! It's no surprise that the health system is struggling. Too many people are not responsible with their own health and rely on the system to fix the ailments that many could sort out themselves with a bit of effort. Our lifestyles generate disease while our improving health knowledge increases lifespan - thus the financial burden increases as people live longer with chronic disease. Those with such diseases retire early, work less and the healthy population pay their taxes on other peoples' health care. Add to that the Australian culture of seeing specialists for every small issue only decreases their availability to see people who really need their expertise. Transforming Health will hopefully go some way to address this - it will be a culture shock to many but is much needed.
  2. I'm at the aquatic centre at Marion. $28 per fortnight (discounted rate), all the classes, pools and a great lifting area. I use it 6 time a week so definitely get my money's worth. Creche too.
  3. I'm a midwife. Jobs are scarce so best place to work is wherever you can get one! Public hospitals with maternity include Flinders Medical Centre, Women's & Children's, Lyell McEwin, Gawler, Port Lincoln, Port Augusta, Mt Barker and other smaller country hospitals such as Berri, Naracoorte, Loxton and Tanunda. The country hospitals will require you to be an RN also in most cases as they don't get the patient load to justify just having RMs. There are privates also - Flinders private, Calvary North Adelaide, Ashford and Burnside. Of course, there is agency work too. Good luck!
  4. Recently redecorated so selling this timber bed frame. Strong frame, easy to put together. Got a pic on phone not on computer - happy to text a pic through if interested. Collect Hallett Cove please. $120 ono.
  5. When we went back we bought a car on ebay - sold it after we left for more than we paid
  6. I think you're reading too much into it for sure. I don't suppose she gave it any thought and you shouldn't waste any more time on it. I honestly thought it was quite funny! Cheer up, have a great Christmas xxxxxxxx
  7. No, but a friend of mine's hubby does fencing and lives in Hallett Cove - happy to give you his number if you are interested. PM me. xx
  8. Last time we went back we bought a Ford Galaxy on ebay for 800 pounds.... got a relative to sell it after we left and got 900! Hahaha
  9. Park your car over it. No one will notice.
  10. We used Brian McKenna, recommended to us through our tile suppliers. He was by far the cheapest quote we had (we had $9k, $14k and $21k for the same job!). Worked hard, always here when he said he would be. We had to wait about 3 months for him to be free though as he was pretty booked up. His number is 0414482920 (or at least it was!).
  11. Agreed. Revels good. Fruchocs not good. But the toffee revels are the best! It's the annoying orange ones that I hate! Yes, in terms of household items, bring your appliances. We cleaned our vaccum (dyson) and got it through customs. I wouldn't buy one in UK and ship it though - you have to change the plugs anyway and you won't get your warranty out of it. I am glad I bought my tumble dryer. Again, I wouldn't buy clothes etc. You never know what will be in fashion or fit in a few years - particularly with kids. If you really like a few brands, they can be shipped over for a reasonable price. Much better to do that than waste money on items that won't get used. Ditto curtains and household furnishings. I would brings quilts, bedding etc as they are expensive here - but you have to make sure you have the same size beds! If you have pets, perhaps stock up on flea treatment - a friend of mine still orders hers from the UK!
  12. Get here, adjust, change. You won't need any supplies! Sure things taste a bit different. Give it a while and you forget what UK stuff is like. My folks are headed back for a visit tomorrow - we have no requests for any food stuffs on their return. Only thing I've asked for is No7 day cream from Boots - and that's because I know I get on with it. But if they weren't going back and I ran out, I'd have to find an equivalent here!
  13. Hi all, I need all my internal doors replacing. Looking for someone to complete this in a reasonable time frame for a reasonable price. Please PM if you are interested. We are at Hallett Cove. Cheers, Jo
  14. I order from Tesco and get it delivered to them lol. Or any UK website really - often free delivery too!
  15. How long have you been here? It takes a good while to settle in. Kids will soon forget what it was like back 'home'. Sure, it's not easy now. But it will end. It's always hard being the newbie, but soon they'll be helping out the next newbie. Just give them time and support xxx
  16. Not that I've ever seen :-( (goes off to contemplate a trip to Dubai...)
  17. please have peanut butter, please have peanut butter......
  18. We got a large tarp and covered our unit last year. The covers were expensive. Remember to drain it also!
  19. Congrats! I'm a student midwife and work a lot at Flinders - it's a great place to have a baby. I'm sorry I don't know exactly how you get the NT scan referral. I usually meet women after they have had this done. However, you do need to book in and make an appt in women's health clinic. Their number is 8204 5197. Give them a call and ask your questions. They'll want to book an appt with you to go over your medical history, outline your care options and give you all the info you need. If at the appt you are considered low risk, see if you can put your name down for group practice care. The Southern Midwifery Group Practice are midwives who visit you at home, no need to wait in clinic and the care is much more individualised. Appts are not rushed and you will see the same midwife throughout, meaning that you will know and trust each other by the time it comes to having the baby. Good luck! Jo xx
  20. Hi there, I'm a student midwife here in ADL. Last year, not all the grads got positions for a graduate year - there are fewer hospitals here than in UK, so less place to put us. Competition for jobs is tough and within SA Health, grads are allocated to a site - you can ask for preferences, but you may not get them. You will get placed if you go country as they are less popular positions. After grad year, a lot of mws have to go casual as there are just not the positions for them. Of course you can apply for private health care too - Ashford, Flinders private, Burnside etc. If I were you, and I know its easy for me to say, I'd stay and get more experience or I'd move somewhere else in Oz where there were more jobs. I love midwifery, but we are in a position whereby I don't HAVE to work. If you will be relying on it for income, that would be a very scary prospect. Jo xx
  21. We are off to the concert for the first time - my eldest loves Timomatic so we couldn't pass up the opportunity to see him for free!
  22. jo_marnes


    We have ants. We've had people in, used industrial strength gels, sprays etc you name it. Still get them. All the time. I have ant rage.
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