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Everything posted by malkitek

  1. Hi, If you have an area of speciality its sometimes worth contacting the manger of that area and letting them know about you, as they will know if any jobs are coming up. They do like experienced uk nurses! Good luck Gill x
  2. Hi, sounds good to me too! I am looking for book inspiration as miss my amazon.co.uk suggestions, the amazon.com ones all seem to be self help books! im in port naorlunga gill x
  3. Hi, Didn't hate our life in Scotland but as a couple without kids, we were just working and living for our holidays! We were always outdoors in Scotland but jeez its much better without the biting rain! I had also fallen in love with Australia on a working holiday a lifetime ago! So I suppose the weather, a new country to explore, and as a nurse, much better working conditions! I think I slightly ran away from our fertility problems which was daft as they came too! Hubbie has always worked all over the world, strangely since coming here his jobs are in the UK. Oh and the cat loves it! Gill
  4. Does anyone know if there is anyway around the time in the country, as my poor husband works offshore on ships so will never meet the requirement unless he takes a year off!? Thanks if anyone knows Gill x
  5. Hi, We love living in port noarlunga south! We use Christies beach medical centre, on beach road. Fabulous service and has been very overused by the two of us! (unfortunately!) Hope the move goes well! Gill and mal x
  6. It's a weird feeling isn't it! Hope you get some sleep on the flight, and settle in well! We've been looking at Seaford rise recently, lovely and quiet, great views! good luck! Gill and Mal x
  7. That sounds great! Can't make tonight as off to Sydney, would love to come next week! Gill x
  8. Hi Michelle, i absolutely love singing, but how do I know if I can hold a tune! do you need to audition? gill x
  9. malkitek

    Visa granted

    Congrats! Go with the feeling, if you were excited when you heard, get the suitcases out! Cheers Gill x
  10. malkitek

    Good markets!

    Tried willunga Market for the first time today, loved it. And oh my god the lavender brownies were amazing and I don't even like brownies!! Gill x
  11. Not much fun for my poor Scottish parents who have just arrived for their first trip! gill xx
  12. Hi, anmc definetly forwarded my file, just be careful where they send it though. As I had sent my appraisal application to the main office in Melbourne, that's where anmc sent the file. How was I to know agora had mysteriously sent my file to Sydney as I had worked there fifteen years earlier! Cue many hysterical emails, until I asked if maybe the Melbourne office could just send it to Sydney too! Ooh they are awful! good luck, keep persevering! gill x
  13. Hi Lorraine, how long ago do those medicals seem! And I was so stressed! My hubbie has overused the fantastic health system since he got here too, through sheer bad luck! yep, still up for Zumba, there are a few classe around here, if only I can motivate my chubby bum to them! keep in touch gill x
  14. Thanks guys, we've calmed down a bit but not looking forward to any viewings! How do you make sure no-one is stealing your stuff! we're considering asking owner if we can breake lease at sale without any penalty. Rental agent said they can put this forward to the owner? Oh roll on the day we buy and then at least all the problems are caused by us! gill x
  15. Hi Sharon, Good luck, I've sent you a pm Gill x
  16. Hi, has anyone had experience of this? We are five months into twelve month lease and were just starting to exhale! My poor parents are due for a visit too! Is it worth trying to get out of lease? thanks for any replies! Gill x
  17. Hello, We only booked three weeks as well. We wanted our holiday home where we were thinking of living, so ended up with a three bedroom home for the two of us. It's definetly worth the money, having a ready made home when you first arrive, but we had our rental within two weeks so had a few days overlap which was good to get organised. We spent two days recuperating after we arrived then got all ID stuff sorted, then looked at any rental we fancied. Saw some awful ones but got the first one we applied for, so maybe lucky!? We did start planning a back up plan, but the cat was on her way so that was a wee bit stressful! Definetly doable! Good luck Gill x
  18. malkitek


    Nooooo Nooooooooooo Nooooo! Nobody asked for photos! Gill x
  19. Hello! good luck with the house sale! Coming into spring (?), should help! Just takes one, we sold to the first viewer in a rubbish market in Edinburgh, last year! cheers gill x
  20. malkitek


    Hi, really haven't seen as many as I thought we would, mainly due to my phobic hubbies bombing the place silly! Finding it hard to get over seeing a very large spider on the car window behind my OH who was driving, I was trying to not mention it while trying to work out if it was on the outside! Lots of screaming involved and both of us out the passenger side, it was on the outside! And it held on all the way home! Yeuch! gill x
  21. Hi, Much as I love the NHS, or more the people that work in it, it is so much better here as a worker. The RAH ED has a four hour rule, but they have put in a lot of systems to try to make this more reasonable. ( like a TIA rapid assessment clinic soon to be starting when I get my act together!) I do only see it mon to fri daytime but it's busy but quiet and calm. Can't see how it would be a bad move! Good Luck, Gill x
  22. Hi, I have just got a new job as TIA nurse at the RAH, and have been spending a lot of time in ther ED. All staff have been incredibly lovely, it seems very well organised and well staffed! Hopefully Flinders would be the same! Good luck Gill x
  23. malkitek


    Hello, We also started at the expo in Edinburgh, three years ago, and have now been living in Adelaide for nearly six months. Depending on how good at forms you are, you may not need an agent, we managed fine without and saved the fee (although I may be a control freak!) Take advantage of any free sessions though! Good luck Gill x
  24. malkitek

    Hello ! I'm Lizzy.

    Hi Lizzie, We're just down the road in Port Noarlunga. I hit a homesickness wall about eight weeks in and some lovely people on here told me they had too at different times and it really helped to know I wasn't going mad! It got much better so hope yours does too! Gill x
  25. Hi parko, Thanks for that, but somehow I have managed from one bollard to destroy two doors and the hinges, and the sill (?). Honestly was going very slow and was just thinking isn't there usually a bollard here?! Crash repairer could repair instead of replace but said would still be way over excess? I do have protected ncb but will still be inexperienced driver for another 18 months!! Gill x
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