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Everything posted by noworriesmate

  1. I'm at the point of looking to build a couple of houses on a block of land (Well i'm doing one and my son will do the other) My question is whether to just simply get a few builders to quote for one/two of their kit homes or whether to design the houses we want using an architect and then self-manage the build going trade by trade. Anyone tried doing the second option? any thoughts or suggestions appreciated. NWM
  2. Fantastic guys - this is now when the real fun starts! People think waiting for the visa is stressful (which it is) but when you suddenly start realising this is it, you ARE moving all kinds of emotions will kick in! Hang on and enjoy the ride NWM
  3. Welcome to the forum Autumn, I'm from Paisley but had a place in Callander for a while - beautiful part of the world Daniel
  4. We used them - i have to say they were the most professional company I have dealt with ever, could not fault them on anything NWM
  5. I no longer feel the need to get dressed before collecting the mail (actually I no longer think it's strange having to go outside to collect my mail) I no longer think it's strange to hear minor birds mimicking other sounds outside I no longer think air conditioning is a luxury I no longer think that being able to build a house is a pipe dream I no longer think $20 is too much to pay for a bottle of wine I no longer get confused when I read "bring a plate" on an invite I no longer have to ask what parmigiana is I no longer get cross when I order a pint see that it 'isn't' I no longer throw away my cans and bottles I no longer buy my petrol on any day I want NWM
  6. This guy is superb - http://www.truelocal.com.au/business/mr-geoffrey-bryant/somerton-park NWM
  7. Nope - it's got a board up saying unit for lease ​NWM
  8. Surely the Landlord would be able to get his substantial outlay back by charging a higher rent?? I know I would be prepared to pay more in rent if I knew the electricity came included. ​NWM
  9. I am a chaplain at a teacher training college and I'm hearing that jobs are getting tougher to find at the moment for teachers although Maths and English seem to be in demand. The other thing that is different here is that many of the schools (the Majority I understand) are Faith schools (mainly Christian) and preference is given to teachers who at least have a good basic understanding of the Christian Faith. The college I work at is a Christian college and is inundated with applications from those with no faith as it is seen to provide access to jobs in schools that otherwise wouldn't accept them. Maybe not fair but it is a reality that you probably need to be aware of. ​NWM
  10. I would think that would be something for negotiation rather than a standard clause of a lease. NWM
  11. You've saved me writing a response to the OP as this would be my take on Mawson Lakes as well, especially the 'Disneyland' reference. ​NWM
  12. Adelaide is a great place to live but I do think that those in power are resting on their laurels sometimes. I think Adelaide is more British than the UK with it's politics and red-tape and resistance to change. NWM
  13. I'm interested to know opinions on the Parkland around the CBD. Since being here i've heard people say it's what makes Adelaide stand out from other cities but i've also heard an economic argument saying it is restricting growth of the city (and therefore employment and prosperity). I can see both sides to this but must admit to wondering whether it is ALL needed - there is an awful lot of it which hardly seems to be used (I mean even people walking on it). When I go to Melbourne I love what they have made of the area around the river - cafe's boutique shops etc. Sydney has Darling Harbour etc but Adelaide seems to be distinctly lacking the kind of thing that brings people to the city although maybe the Oval improvements might be the start of something?. Don't get me wrong, I love Adelaide and like the fact it's not like other cities, but i'm not certain we have the balance totally right at the moment. ​Thoughts Anyone??
  14. Not entirely true - after two years the children would be entitled to some centre link payments depending on their (and their parents) income and living arrangements ​NWM
  15. What visa do you (and your kids) have? and are you asking about sorting out their finance for the UK or are they transferring their study here? ​NWM
  16. Tyke, You may not like the thread, however with well over 8000 views and 200 replies it has been one of the most participated in thread for a long time. It is in the 'Barbie' section so people know it's for banter etc. There is nothing stopping anyone helping others on all the active migration (etc) threads open on the forum. Like with any forum, there may be some areas that are more suited to some people than others. If you are uncomfortable with this section then please feel at liberty not to read it. ​NWM
  17. Personally I think the only thing that needs locking is you for irresponsible use of the smiley!!! ​NWM
  18. I haven't been for food at the Marion bar, (I tend to go to the Brighton Espy for that) but I did get a good deal on some wine there! You've good access to both South and Marion Rds as well as the train (when it's back up and running). I reckon it's a good long term bet. NWM
  19. Generally speaking I don't think it's bad at all, it hasn't seen the real boom that other suburbs have but it's coming. there are a few pockets that are not so good but that is by Aussie standards not by Paisley standards where I used to live!! ​NWM
  20. Yeah I remember you from before when I had a different username, funnily enough the software on here allows the *** word while it doesn't on PIO. Anyway enough of your tits! Bugger off and enjoy your life LOL (I wonder if the software will allow me to say that) ​NWM LOL - edited to add, it appears the software allows multiple tits but not if you have just one!!
  21. LOL - Brilliant post, i'm not even going to edit the 'laugh your tits off bit' (this is a family forum you know) as it wouldn't be quite the same without it!! Glad everything is working out for you, we're almost at 3 yrs here and just love too!! ​NWM
  22. Thanks for posting Addy - I think with that positive attitude you & Gemma will be fine. I moved over with my family from Paisley and lived in Gawler before moving to Oaklands Park. - I remember hearing about Mike's accident in Gawler and thinking how fragile life is and knowing on other day it could have been me. I am so glad that you have had good support from the people in Kapunda, I know some people say it's had to make friends with Aussies, but I have seen how quick they are to rally round when it's needed. Please don't be a stranger, you have a story that is valuable for people to hear. ​NWM
  23. If you have paid by credit card then you can get the card company to refund it - then it is upto the car hire company if they think it's worth suing you, it puts the ball back in play so to speak. ​NWM
  24. So sorry Addy, I hadn't connected this thread with that sad event - if you get the opportunity it would be great to hear how you are doing, are you still in SA? ​NWM
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