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Everything posted by taffordbark

  1. Yeah ..know where you coming from Tyke,,started off as a bit of info,turned into chinese whispers,, love a bit of banter,,the only thing I realy miss from England (hate the phrase UK).............And ............I do not take it too seriously! At the end of the day ,,whatever will be will be,we always have 3 square meals a day,sleep 8 hours and have a beer at the weekend ,so who cares.realy!
  2. lol let you have that one,,,my bad!
  3. That should read 'an economist' . grammar please!
  4. My own predictions based on the figures and like for like time scales of similar cenarios are that we should expect a downturn somewhere betwen August and November this year. Very difficult to accurately predict a date but if you study the micro economics on a daily basis as I have done then you wil see why these dates will eventualy prove to be about right.............
  5. wahooooooo..........about time! Just need NEXT to join in and we pommies will be sorted for Crimbo dresses!!!
  6. Just to put everyone in the complete picture,tis is a short summary of everythig mr Chancellor said,,,his words reflect my beliefs,and seem to mirror my thoughts 'as a businessman' of what was about to occur around the beginning of 2007 in the UK. I am not a doom and gloom merchant,just a realist....... read on! He described Australia's banking system as a "cartel" and said luck rather than skill had allowed the Australian economy to fare better in the global financial crisis than other developed economies. He attributed Australia's "luck" to a comparative lack of competition among local banks, enabling them to avoid much of the reckless lending that occurred in the US, as well as the commodities recovery led by China. "My view is Australia had a private sector credit boom just like the US and the UK and it had a real estate boom," he said. "Those are the facts and you can't paper over them. "In this environment, house prices rose last year and that seems to me to actually have exacerbated the problem. "The problem is the bubble and that hasn't gone away." A key area of concern for Mr Chancellor was first-home buyers. As interest rates rose, the ratio of their mortgage repayments to their income would rise to very high levels, he said. "It's the rising interest rates, particularly with real estate bubbles, that tend to generate the collapse," he said. Another potential trigger was China, particularly if the demand for iron ore, coal and liquefied natural gas were to collapse. "We would see the Chinese demand for Australian commodities as being potentially vulnerable," Mr Chancellor said. He said he expected the negative news in Australia to come from "the housing market falling under . . . the sheer weight of its overvaluation and lack of affordablity" and a "terms of trade shock". Everyone referred to Australia as the lucky country, he said. "I think that's pretty apt." However, "given the great growth in private sector credit and the vulnerability of the housing market . . . Australia is not out of the woods. It hasn't even entered the woods."
  7. Oh forgot to mention,,,watch out for the retail sales figures over the next couple of months,,,I would put my shirt on them declining,which shows my prediction that Aus will double dip quicker than any other major economy!
  8. Given that I have been through all of this before,,i think ther is no question of a crash not happening. The figures are just not adding up as they were not in the UK in December 2006,,,yes that long ago!!!!!!!!!! I had my own business in the Uk and just got a funny feeling about things ,,never been so right in my life,,think there is a lot of complacency in Australia that the mining sector will always pull the economy out of trouble,,mr Rudd and mr swann kissed that goodbye on Sunday,,and the over-enthusiastic real-estate idustry are making peoples realistic expectations of achievable property prices exhasperating.....watch this space!
  9. Just a bit of food for thought for those of you worried about property prices ,values etc. These are a few of the predictions I made some time ago and now being spoke about by some of the leading economists across the country. According to The Economist, Australian housing is now 56.1% overvalued based on the long run average of price to rent ratios. The price to rent ratio is seen as similar to that of the PE (price/earnings) ratio used to value shares. Australia is in 1st position on the leader board of overpriced property. In close 2nd is Spain at 53.4%, Hong Kong at 49.1%, France 39.7%, and Sweden 37%. According to Edward Chancellor, author of the book titled Crunch Time for Credit (2005) and a member of US Investment Firm GMO’s asset allocation team, Australia is in the midst of an unsustainable housing bubble that could burst at any time. It’s hard to argue with these claims when reports out today show Australian house prices have surged 20 percent this year, the most since the ABS started the house price series in 2002. Melbourne recorded an unsustainable gain of 27.7 percent followed by Sydney at 21.0 percent. This comes after reports in February that wage growth fell to it’s slowest pace in a decade last year. M Chancellor told The Australian, he estimates Australian house prices are more than 50 percent above their fair value, something he cites as a once in a 40 year event. “If house prices were to revert to their historic long-term average (ratio of average price to average income) they would fall quite considerably.” for more detailed info and graphs go to www.whocrashedtheeconomy.com
  10. Wanted..........FREEZER - either with drawers or a chest freezer would do us! Can pick up.....pm me if anyone is selling. Thanks
  11. Yep ........it's still open alright! and it's one of our fave places of Adelaide......:jiggy:we love it.......
  12. We moved from the UK.........for a safer life for our children!! We had kept them locked up long enough......darent let them venture out with friends at night and defo not at the weekends!!!! Aussie life is more family based........feels safer and the bonus of a bit of sunshine helps along the way! :jiggy:All four of our offspring have settled in very quickly.............and they are our inspiration to just get on with it and appreciate what Adelaide has to offer!
  13. If anyone has got a fridge freezer, fridge only OR just a freezer ..............please give me a call if you need to get rid of it (working order of course) 0430808266 cheers I can pick up as got a van.............
  14. yep.........buy in UK and ship them over.......along with warm quilts....much cheaper in Uk and better quality!!! oh I do miss Argos.....how sad is that???
  15. I think the ones you had in the uk were more than likely from the quick-step quadra range because that is the only one I can think of that did them in white, but as far as i am aware they do not import that range into aus, however try their website and if you find what you need give me a shout and i will see where you can get it www.quick-step.com
  16. Should we ... 1. Go home? 2. Wait for citizenship then go home? 3. Stay ad consider moving interstate in the hope that it's more with the times? Its a big problem because I think Adelaide is going nowhere, but Britain is going backwards but is still streaks ahead of SA. in some ways. What would you do? Serious answers only please. Thanks for reading my post. We are also from Manchester area...........busy, grey, gloomy and mostly dull........but with fab shops and that feeling of being home! However, we moved for a better quality of life - and decided that if it didnt work out we could always go back to Manchester........you only live once and why not just go for it! We have been here 9 months now......the kids are VERY settled - we are on much less money than in the UK by far......and we have those days where we think 'what on earth are we doing here?' - we miss mini weekend breaks we used to have in Ireland, Scotland, - and haven't got into the idea of having a holiday break at all here.........but the thought of going back to the UK (especially at the moment) scares the hell out of us - but mostly for our children! So we trudge on.........some days with a spring in our step - sometimes not! After reading your post and completely agreeing with all you have said - I think I would 2) wait for citizenship............and go home - but only for a holiday!!! Good Luck with your decision............and hope you make the right one for you and your family!
  17. WOW............how fab! got our parents coming over next week for their first visit to Adelaide.......we are HOPING they are gonna love what they see as they too have plans to make a permanent move eventually! Best Wishes...........and enjoy the decluttering....trouble is - as you go through all the stuff the 'To Keep' pile grows as the memories flood back! can be hard to get rid of things but lots of fun along the way! Good Luck and Best Wishes....
  18. Athelstone fc looking for a few more players for the over 35's team,season kicks off in 5 weeks,training monday and wednesday at lower athelstone road athelstone(north east district) pm me or phone0430808266 for details ,martin
  19. hi yes,i install wood floors,carpets and vinyls,as well as any floor prep and repairs give me a bell if you need advice 0430808266 martin cheers
  20. ours took 10 weeks.........door to door! we sold our bedroom furniture though and bought when we got a rental!!!! saved us having to suffer the airbeds........which can only be a good thing!!! Obviously the rental had a cooker - so we bought a microwave and kettle n toaster......and a second hand fridge.....even if you are shipping a fridge from the UK - a second fridge is a good idea in Oz! then we went and spent about $200 on some crockery, kitchen stuff and candles! Ikea was a big help and sams warehouse for cheap bits and bobs........just managed on the bare minimum until our stuff arrived 5 weeks later! -
  21. carpets,vinyls,laminate and floating floors,domestic,commercial and contract,no job too bigg no job too small call me no i do it all------------------ PM please
  22. my nephew attends Reynella High and loves it there..............however, we are up North of Adelaide...and to be honest we went with our gut instinct - and up to now the choice of school has been more than we could have ever asked for! So gut instinct worked for us............ Best of Luck guys..........
  23. Hi ,tried to ring you but your phone engaged,,,my mob no is 0061430808266 give me a bell when you can. Martin
  24. Cheers for the enquiry suzr,its a bit difficult to generalise on price,however I do a top class job and looking at what the stores charge for instalation I can save you on their costs no problem. I will also come and look at what you require before you go to the stores to order ,so all you have to do is go in to the shop,pick what you want and give them the list of materials that I will give you....simples!
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