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Is it just me being oversensitive?


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I know where Heaps Good comes from, I just think there are some things that are totally beyond joking and that's one of them. Call it PC if you like, I prefer to think of it as the difference between good taste and totally beyond the pale. Just because Australia isn't constricted by the yoke that's got the UK in it's grip, doesn't mean it has to be a country of total oiks with no manners, no taste, and no idea of what's morally right and wrong. Perhaps it's the influx of people who think that it is that will drag Australia into the same mire as England?

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Guest guest569
I know where Heaps Good comes from, I just think there are some things that are totally beyond joking and that's one of them. Call it PC if you like, I prefer to think of it as the difference between good taste and totally beyond the pale. Just because Australia isn't constricted by the yoke that's got the UK in it's grip, doesn't mean it has to be a country of total oiks with no manners, no taste, and no idea of what's morally right and wrong. Perhaps it's the influx of people who think that it is that will drag Australia into the same mire as England?


Glad damien can see between the lines and see a joke when tongue in cheek is used, Shall i return an insult at you diane in my reply to your insult ?? No your not worth it and its more people like you rather than me that are driving people away from this forum !!!:biglaugh:

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OMG hear we go again, this all boils down to personal OPINION, what some people see as light humour others take offence. Being oversensitive YES.

Life is too short to be so serious.

Once again people are being told that their opinion is WRONG.



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Guest Django



In my opinion Arsenal were going to win last seasons Premiership. ;)


I have to say I agree with Diane that I fail to see any humour in the murder of 6 million people. I personally don't find it offensive but I know people that do. If you check the rules of the forum I believe there is something about posting something that causes offence whether its an opion or not.


Like 'Have I got news for you' say 'allegedly' after ever thing to keep the lawyers away would it be ok to insult someone but start the sentence with 'in my opion'?? Because that would be alright? Wouldn't it?

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Guest guest569

Ask martin if i offended him and if he says yes then i'll appologise for having a sense of humour. I don't see why he would be offended as i don't think it would have him that left the oven on it would have been Kat !!!!

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Guest lastboyscout

Had to laugh at the Canadian swimmer last night (his name escapes me) who said the crowd were acting like `monkeys` when one of the races false started !!!


I looked at my wife like this ->:err:


Then channel 10 started the apology saying he couldn`t have meant it in a racist way


Funniest thing so far :biglaugh::biglaugh:

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Guest guest569
Its all cool, i just wonder what PP is gonna do for the rest of the Premier league season....lol




Now thats a very sensitive comment martin !! If some scally steals your wheels in the next few weeks it has nothing to do with me !!!;)

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Guest seasalt

I think you should all remember that you made the choice to come and live in Australia. Nobody made you! If you don't like the comments go back to the Uk as I keep telling my better half , when he complains that things don't taste like they did in England, that we made the choice and should embrace our new homeland and of course things will be different because we left England. Yes I go for Green and Gold but I'll always support England as well. May the best side win on the day I say

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Guest Bluenose

Hi Di


The Aussies have always been bashing the Brits...it used to drive me nuts when I was younger...I've just come to accept that it'll never change.


In all honesty it's amazing that Australia win so many medals when we have such a small population and very little funding from the Government.


I knew I'd gone native when I found myself cheering on the Aussie rowers over the Brits during the Olympics a few years ago. :)



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Hi Di


The Aussies have always been bashing the Brits...it used to drive me nuts when I was younger...I've just come to accept that it'll never change.


In all honesty it's amazing that Australia win so many medals when we have such a small population and very little funding from the Government.


I knew I'd gone native when I found myself cheering on the Aussie rowers over the Brits during the Olympics a few years ago. :)




If Australia becomes a republic, does that mean they won't be eligible for the Commonwealth Games any more?

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I think you are being a little sensitive Diane...


I expected to hear a little pommie bashing when I arrived eight months ago but have to say it's hardly happened at all in my experiance. I've also found the aussie's who do occasionally mention it are often first or second generation British anyway and it's just a laugh!


The aussie's love their sport and hate to loss but it is generally all very good natured. With my being married to aussie and also having aussie mates in London before we migrated and now over here, I think they're generally a great crowd and of course there's nothing sweeter than winning the ashes off em, except maybe one day beating Germany in a football match that actually matters!!

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I think the Aussies are passionate about their sport in a somewhat different way to the British. The mentality of Australia (in very broad general terms here, so please no bashing on it as its hard to get specific with a two year old pulling on my sleeve) is very different to the UK. They don't have the history, the class division that pervaded (and still does to a degree of course) for so many centuries and our British sense of (again a general) reserve and appceptance of losing. We laud our losers here. While the same may be done in Aus, I don't know its done to the same degree.


Australia is still a young nation, still forging its way and wanting to make its mark on the world and it does this exceptionally well in a number of sports. That some of those sports are directly linked to the Brits, be that Scots, Welsh or English is of course never going to change. Cricket and rugby are the main two to spring to mind. However, the passionate feeling about winning, of making their mark is in all sports they do. They don't like to lose and when competing against the Brits they doubly don't like to (at least that is how the press tell it). But then the same can be said when they play against neighbour NZ. But (for the press at least) beating the Poms is on their wish list at any event they face them (I think for those competing they want to beat everyone regardless of where they hail from, that is competative nature).


I a married to an Aussie and even I am not immune to being shouted down during a crucial sporting event (RWC when England put out Aus out) my husband yelled loudly at me during the game telling me to "Shut up, YOU'RE ENGLISH" when I hadn't actually said anything gloating just made a comment about something innocuous. He was really pissed at me at that point and same in cricket when playing England. He can't explain his mentality to how important it is to beat the English (and British) and not just beat them but thrash them. 5-0 is a great scoreline to my husband in the Ashes, whereas I'll say I'm happy with a 4-1 or some such and that at least the English held them for one game. No, total annihilation at a international sporting event is what my husband as an Aussie requires and expects when facing the Brits.


I think the press get as carried away over there as they do here. But it passes and then its on to the next thing. Let the press have their moment. At least they are really getting into the CG and giving it decent coverage. Most people I speak to here don't really have any clue. Its almost like they are apathetic about it. Again, another difference between the Brit and Aussies with regard to such events. We get passionate about football and The Sun goes insane, but most other sports are reported in a more reserved way. I like that events like the CG get such a good press in Australia. They embrace it all wheres even with great BBC coverage, the CG still feel marginalised in the public conscious to me.


There, hopefully my thoughts have helped toward the actual topic in hand and if anyone wishes to discuss or add their thoughts I look forward to it :)

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I have to say I've never had any serious anti-pommy attitude from people here in Adelaide either - although I always have the "born in Australia" thing to fall back on as a last resort! I think it's great that winning is considered important rather than just the namby-pamby "taking part" thing - but I'd prefer to see it about being the best overall rather than just better than the Brits - after all, it's not exactly aiming high is it?!


But yeh, I'll try and be less sensitive, thanks all :D

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I may well get some flak for this but..the way i see it is...ok its good to take part and compete...but the way i go into sports...be some of them a few years ago...football, Rugby Union...or more recently snooker and Super Leage 8 ball in the city its all about the winning....


I am very competitive, i have had it all my life from early childhood, even if i am out fishing i still wanna catch lots, the biggest etc etc....


but it doesnt just stop there i always want to better myself...and set goals and targets....


At the end of the day its a dog eat dog world out there and can be survival of the fittest at times.....


I shall don my safety helmet and await any flak....to come my way...hehe


Thats the way i see things any way....



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Yeah but sooner or later you will always come across someone who is simply better than you. You can't always be the best anglers and catch the biggest fish - especially when it isn't your boat :biglaugh::jimlad:

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