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887 Visa - What's the update?


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10 hours ago, Andrew said:

Hi everyone, I am on 489 and have completed 6 months in adelaide. I am working full time. Everything is on place however I have not taken any kind of health insurence yet. I hope This won't creat any problem when I will apply for my PR?

Amy suggestions please? 

It is not compulsory to take private health insurance however i would recommend atleast taking ambulance cover.

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5 minutes ago, Akie said:

I think we should start a new petition for reducing the processing times of 887. @Stellajane @adam 

There is already such a petition which you can find on our tracker which you can sign,

Also, last month this group has approached SBS and this item has been covered by them which led the DHA sending a generic email saying that "your file will be assessed soon" to all applicants between August and October 2018.

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2 minutes ago, Stellajane said:

There is already such a petition which you can find on our tracker which you can sign,

Also, last month this group has approached SBS and this item has been covered by them which led the DHA sending a generic email saying that "your file will be assessed soon" to all applicants between August and October 2018.

Applicants who are using MARA agents can find what is the law/regulation under which processing time is dealt with ? Unless we have strong grounds to challenge this issue is not going anywhere... One thing is sure such long processing times does not align to the charter available on immigration website which says - be fair open and reasonable in all that we do.


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1 minute ago, nudgee said:

This thing give me depression and it’s not fair to any of us. My friend applied 190 in March 2019 and already got grant last week. If anyone has any connection with lawyer and confident in dealing with this. Please let us know, I am willing to contribute.

Nudgee when did you apply? Have you been contacted yet?


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16 minutes ago, Dee said:

Please do not feel dejected; look at the trend and be motivated; we will soon get grants.

You are correct. Even thought it is always a slap in the face those processing times I'm still hopefull that the trend of assessing new applications around the 13-14 months mark is still the case. So please everyone, again, make sure you have tried your hardest to submit all necessary documentation so you can get a direct grant around the 13-14 months mark. Fingers crossed everyone. October seems to be a good month already when it comes to the actual number of grants we received so far. We're at 24.

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Nudgee when did you apply? Have you been contacted yet?

I applied in May 2018 and no contact yet, already submitted complaint. Sorry guys I normally stay positive but recently promotion pass by and I am really upset that I cannot get that job because it’s a permanent position and my visa is not eligible for the role. I am still on a contract. I have no word to describe this government. I don’t wanna sound negative but I really hate my current job and that’s why I am so upset we are stuck and have no choice. Don’t be affected by my emotion we will be fine one day...
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3 minutes ago, nudgee said:


I applied in May 2018 and no contact yet, already submitted complaint. Sorry guys I normally stay positive but recently promotion pass by and I am really upset that I cannot get that job because it’s a permanent position and my visa is not eligible for the role. I am still on a contract. I have no word to describe this government. I don’t wanna sound negative but I really hate my current job and that’s why I am so upset we are stuck and have no choice. Don’t be affected by my emotion we will be fine one day...


I applied in May 2018 not even first contact yet mate. They forgot us that's sure. 

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3 minutes ago, nudgee said:


I applied in May 2018 and no contact yet, already submitted complaint. Sorry guys I normally stay positive but recently promotion pass by and I am really upset that I cannot get that job because it’s a permanent position and my visa is not eligible for the role. I am still on a contract. I have no word to describe this government. I don’t wanna sound negative but I really hate my current job and that’s why I am so upset we are stuck and have no choice. Don’t be affected by my emotion we will be fine one day...


I know exactly how you feel 

I have missed 4 job opportunity been here since 2007 feb and counting continuous increasing time it’s totally disgust me that we have been forced now to live shit life’s can’t progress 

it’s emotional and mentally harassing to all of us here 9 months waiting to 24 months now and god knows  how long this absurd 

i understand that they are understaff then they should hire more staff we all have been slandered in no mans land where we don’t know which we are heading with this it’s a complete joke on immigration that they are very unorganised and incompetent in the job that’s why they ask same docs or docs which are already been provided or irrelevant stuff 

this make me feel really that it’s all money making in cheap ways for the govt

penny don’t count when most of us here can bring so much potential on the table with our skills 

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Hi Everyone,
It's quite unfortunate processing time keeps increasing in a short space of time. I have tried to do a little bit of research with regards to processing of visas in DHA . These are some facts which might help;

1. Processing times are not legally backed by any legislation thus its issued by the sole discretion and prerogative of the Minister ( DHA). The minister is given power to prioritize and reduce certain processing times based on compassion and not by LAW. This probably accounts for why DHA don't feel threatened by the excessive increase.

2. Unlike the past where only one Case Officer is Assigned to a case, Now multiple Case officers work on one file and each file has a checklist box which needs to be checked anytime a CO picks up the file. This probably accounts for why different case officers request for more Info based on what they feel as sufficient or not.

3. Once an application is made, Case officers are quickly assigned to scan through all the documents and then the file goes back to the queue. If the very first case officer after the initial assessment doesn't request for further docs, the status will still remain RECEIVED but does does not imply the file is not under processing.

4.Lastly, the problem now in the delay of processing is getting your file picked up again in the queue after request for further Documents because the frequency of picking your file increases most of the checklist boxes to be checked making the application a DECISION READY application. Once its DECISION READY the last Case officer who picks it up eventually Grants the visa.

These are just research gathered from different forums and may not be entirely accurate but hope it helps those who want to have an idea what goes on in the DHA processing centre.

Sent from my ZTE B2017G using Tapatalk

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23 minutes ago, nudgee said:


I applied in May 2018 and no contact yet, already submitted complaint. Sorry guys I normally stay positive but recently promotion pass by and I am really upset that I cannot get that job because it’s a permanent position and my visa is not eligible for the role. I am still on a contract. I have no word to describe this government. I don’t wanna sound negative but I really hate my current job and that’s why I am so upset we are stuck and have no choice. Don’t be affected by my emotion we will be fine one day...


You are almost there; whenever you miss an opportunity remember there definitely are better ones waiting' hang in there and you will get your grant soonnnnnnnnn. You have come this far so enjoy these days also as time never comes back (i tell myself this everyday)....all the best and smile😄

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