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Everything posted by Riponian

  1. Oh sorry nothing directly but I know you can get self pack containers pretty cheap they leave it with you for a few days and pick it up and take it to your new destination :-) Try a google search
  2. Riponian

    Hello Adelaide!

    Yes it's miserable in the UK but the winters here are pretty grim too but there is an end too it can't wait for those 30+ days all summer long :-)
  3. Friends regularly go up to Broome and then on to Cape Lavique in the far North of WA and it's just beautiful. I would go to Cairns too as you can get direct flights, even though it rained for the 2 days I was there I would definitely visit again :-)
  4. Hi Nick the family ride is no pressure thing, join up and there will be others posted over the next few months. The family ride is on Saturday afternoon :-)
  5. Don't know of anywhere you can get shorter terms they are usually the full 12 months. However there are plenty of threads on here of people who break leases with out problems it just depends on how long it is empty as you can be liable for the advertising and the rent until it is re let...
  6. Also if anyone is interested there is a great website for cyclists in Adelaide full of information.http://www.adelaidecyclists.com/ There lots of groups but I run a group called the Southern Suburbs Road Cyclists http://www.adelaidecyclists.com/group/southern-suburbs-road-cyclists We run a variety of different group rides including one for families coming up this Saturday afternoon weather permitting :-)
  7. I live right by the coast and it's bloody freezing here lol but I could live in the hills you just need to be prepared and find a house with some sort of heating!
  8. Brilliant it's nice to hear people settling, seems a world away from ours now... It is bloody cold this winter mind!!
  9. Sorry just bumping this up but from what I'v heard jobs are tough a the moment. I would visit all the major agencies in the city and think the councils use a different recruitment agencies.
  10. Not much help, sorry Julia... maybe be go up there during the school term and talk to parents at school gates.
  11. Just thought I would bump this up for you as I'm not really sure. Don't think they look for anything specific just make sure your not an axe murder.
  12. Personally I one that I loved but they can be expensive a nice arm chair does the trick just as well. However check out http://www.adelaidebabybargains.com.au/ they are on facebook too
  13. What time does it all kick off and finish? Would love to go it's just a trek from down here!!!
  14. Heard good things about Seacliff know of a Mum who travels from Hallet Cove to take her kids there. I guess look at the schools websites have a look around at which high schools they feed and back down. Honestly if you are living at Marino the drag back down to Christies would quickly become a pain! All you can do is look round once you get here R12 at Hallet cove has mixed reviews but once your here you can suss them all out and make the right choice for you
  15. Hi Not being a dog walker I can't comment but the only fish and chip shop at Hallet Cove is Barnical Bill there a chain of fast food shops - not really fish and chips. Proper fish and chips head to Port Noarlunga. The only time I have seen the beaches really busy is say maybe Australia day then places get pretty busy but there is still plenty of beach to go around. Whales are sometimes seen at the cove and along the cost from approx late June to early September best place though is down Victor Harbour. Last time I was at Hallet Cove most of the sand was washed away - not really a beach and tricky to walk on. Most beaches have a leash free time or section you would have to check, I only know about top part of Christies and Lonsdale where you can walk dogs freely all year I believe :-) Good luck with your journey - you never know once you get here so don't be to set on an area as things sometimes get in the way.
  16. He has a job in Ceduna :-) http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/tears-of-joy-as-federal-government-intervenes-to-allow-british-police-officer-peter-threlfall-into-south-australia/story-e6frea83-1226394892643
  17. Just shop around Super A Mart, Le Cornu, Harvey Norman, Haggle can be hit and miss but love our bed we got from there. If I had the choice again I would get a King :-) Spend the money on the mattress rather than the bed frame :-)
  18. Sorry never been but if you can going on a tour for a few days will give you an overview so you know where you want to visit next time. Good luck and enjoy heard it's amazing up there!
  19. Think this is just shocking and so sad hope some publicity will help their case!
  20. Watched it for the first time whilst in Queensland a few weeks ago and was amazing. I am new fan!!
  21. The thing is it's a very personal choice when it comes to school and also depends on the ages of the kids. Heard good and bad reports about Hallet Cove R/12 and mixed reviews on the primary school as it really depends on the teacher your child gets. Has for Sheidow park the nearest high school is HC or Seacliff and depending on the primary school you can be zoned for one of them, Woodend primary school is a fantastic school but currently not zoned. Aberfoyle again has very mixed reviews it has some quiet strong reviews but then there is a large campus of three primary schools which gets great reviews. All I can suggest you do is go and look round them with or without the kids and get a feel for them. Some maybe zoned so it all depends on where you live too. We have settled in Port Noarlunga and can't rate it highly enough but felt the local primary was not for us and now attends a local private catholic school in Christies Beach and it was definitely the right choice for us. I can sympathise with your fear of moving as it is unsettling for the kids, we moved from Sheidow park after a year and was so worried but at the end of the day if you do your research and know that any move you make will be the right one.
  22. Riponian

    Any spare room?

    I really hope someone from down that way can help out. I can imagine you will need all the help you can get, I will ask around and put it out there for you. Good luck Michelle
  23. There are social games at Noarlunga rec centre most days, also check Seaford out to. I don't play but there are plenty if you look :-)
  24. When we did our trip (October 2010), we were told to go from Melbourne back to Adelaide that way round as you are on the right side of the road so to speak. We hired a campervan and stayed at various sites along the way. I loved most of the places we visited, Bells Beach, Anglesea, Lorne and Port Douglas etc. The best part of the road is in Victoria after that it gets a bit dull in comparison so we went in land to the Grampians for a 2 nights to break up the journey. By far the best little place we stayed was at http://www.kennettriver.com/, lovely quiet campsite and family run place. Parrots that come and eat from your hand Found it difficult to be as close to Apollo bay as I would have liked but lovely spot and definitely worth visiting. Went down to Cape Otway but did not pay to go see the Lighthouse but it's a beautiful park for walks etc Will add a few photos of the trip Lighthouse at Spit point betweem Anglesea and Lorne Somewhere on the road.. Kennett river Apollo Bay & 12 Apostles
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