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Everything posted by chrisda

  1. Thanks Tyke. Dont think it really matters as the content was just fodder anyway.
  2. When we moved here we chose a place that had been around for a while, had great reviews and the owner had spent a lot of money getting their property ready. When we looked around comparing places it was obvious that some places looked and sounded dodgy. It's a good idea to have a look to see if the rental business has a licence, an Australian Business Number ( check it here http://abr.business.gov.au/) and whether they can be bothered to spend the money on a website. If they can't be arsed and are out for a quick buck you could get stung. The ATO (Australian Taxation Office) has a good link for rental property owners https://www.ato.gov.au/General/Property/Residential-rental-properties/
  3. If it brings in the tourist dollars then this will be super. True that the city is changing and getting better with its facilities.
  4. I noticed on another thread that a member is recruiting nurses. Dont know if it will be any use but perhaps dropping them a pm would be good. User name LynzandStef
  5. Its busy at this time of the year. What area are you looking for? Tyke has a couple of properties in Seaford and Tamara has some in Port Noarlunga.
  6. chrisda


    Its a shame that what some see as satire others see as blasphemy. Tolerance is the key.
  7. It is tough in certain field and the solar industry has major issues with the renewable energy target.
  8. chrisda

    Jeyes Fluid?

    Hate the small of jeyes fluid. makes my stomach turn just remembering it.
  9. Great positive thread. took the family down to Port Noarlunga beachfront yesterday and had fish n chips from the chippy in the village. It was 29 degrees which is warm for September. One of our favourite places. Theres a great place serving meals right on the beachfront which is a treat although a bit pricey.
  10. I would have booked much earlier especially with a pet. You will likely find things have been snapped up already. We booked 9 months before we moved here
  11. Thanks Tyke. It is useful. Lots of info to decipher though.
  12. Started out in Christies Beach and them moved to Morphett Vale. Am saving to buy near the beach. Most people live in the north because theres more people there but so far most of those thats posted stay this side of the city.
  13. Ta Tyke. Too much bad news threads and lifes all about having a laugh.
  14. It's horrid having to pay out but did you read the leaflet that came with it? They bought 852 fire vehicles and built or refurbished 80 fire stations. With the early start to summer we will be needing all that hardware pretty damned soon.
  15. Brill. Don't you be reporting lights in my turf. I need the cash.
  16. Thanks for sharing this with everyone. Real interesting and informative.
  17. I bought a shredder from officeworks and shred everything. One of the neighbours was a victim and they opened accounts and credit cards. Thanks for the useful informaton.
  18. chrisda

    New to Adelaide. . .

    Welcome mate. You seem to be sorted out for the first few weeks. Things are a bit slow for jobs and houses at the end of the year so give it some time.
  19. Sounds a bit odd just for switchboards. Did anything else get cleaned? Cleaners rates are $25 to $30 per hour so if they had other things to clean another few dollars wouldn't be much if they did it at the same time.
  20. Do you have a towbar on the car? Loads of people have trailers and it might be the cheapest option.
  21. Theres loads of words of wisdom on here already mate and I am gobsmacked by what you are planning to do. Are you really going to split up the family in this really stressful time just to save a few bucks??? There are some rubbish rental houses out there and a few good photos often make mutton look like lamb! What about the feral neighbours and the hydroponics rooms? Seriously mate you need to look at more than just a picture to make your decision. When will your container of stuff be arriving. Will it arrive at the same time as you sign your lease on your new home? If it doesnt you will have the family sleeping on the floor which is hardly the right way to start out. I understand your feelings about short term rentals though and thought pretty much the same before we landed. Rents were double what you would be paying and it didn't seem worth it. Once you are here your perspective will change. Best thing we did as a family was to rent a proper home for a few weeks which had everything. I would consider plan c if I were you. Plan c is where you save up enough money and arrive when you can afford it. AUSTRALIA IS BLOODY EXPENSIVE and a few dollars spent on your first few weeks rent will be the last thing you will worry about. How much are you really gonna save? If a short term rental was $650 to $700 per week and your unfurnished long term let was $350 to $400 then you figure you may save $300. Think again. Electricity will add $40, gas $30, water $25 per week onto your weekly bills so that's $95 you can take off the short term rent. What about internet? That could be another $15 per week. Do you plan to apply for jobs from the local Mc Donalds so you can use their wireless? What about washing and drying your clothes if your container hasn't arrived. It all costs money and it's all included if you rent furnished for a few weeks. Your total saving per week for stressing the hell out of yourself and family is about $190. Plan c. If you don't have a couple of hundred bucks for a couple of weeks don't move out here because you are starting out all wrong. Youll end up in a horrid house in a horrid road and the family will hate it. Best buy return tickets because you are setting yourself up for major stress and everyone will hate it and want to go home.
  22. Very useful and I bet loads of people didnt know this
  23. Great. If you are down there again can you take the same pictures with everything now green from the rain?
  24. Totally stunning pictures. Thanks
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