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Everything posted by chrisda

  1. Was that you that held me up for 500km? You did right!
  2. I used to work with a bloke who thought the world of himself. He opened a business that failed and then topped himself due to the failure. I am just an average joe. We came close to calling it quits here but was lucky that we had a bit of help and don't have any regrets now. I wonder what motivates someone to constantly put the place down when they failed to make a life here? I would imagine that the higher up you are and the more you think of yourself then the harder the fall. Don't do anything silly mate when people stop responding to your rants. Life is too short and if you don't make it in one place you might make it work somewhere else. Don't let your failure poison you. Plenty of honest hard working families will continue to move here and make it work for them even if you don't want them to succeed where you failed.
  3. Eurovision is too professional these days. remember the old ones and how tacky the production was?
  4. Now you are bringing back memories.
  5. Aldi and Master's are recruiting for their new stores. Saw the ads yesterday.
  6. I dont know why but I just think of the character in Austen powers (Dr Evil) and the sidekick (Mini Me). Am not referring to anyone on this site of course. Just letting my mind wander.
  7. Don't feed them any more Doug. They have a reaction from you so their appetite should be satisfied.
  8. It was brill. went to a game on our reccie and then it was gone!
  9. Bloke makes a lot of sense sometimes!
  10. Sounds like the ultimate man cave:biggrin:
  11. Thanks for the info. But why is "real rugby" so small in this state? We had the rugby sevens before it was nicked. Just surprised that AFL, then league is all powerful:biggrin:
  12. I wondered where the term whingeing Pom came from:biggrin:
  13. Banks will follow suit soon. Makes buying a home so much easier. Think that I will be out looking!
  14. Can anyone explain why this settler state (non convict) didnt embrace proper rugby...Rugby Union?!
  15. Throw in transport and I may be tempted!
  16. Its a different type of beauty isnt it? You dont appreciate it until you have it first hand.
  17. You laugh now but in the future these plots may be worth billions. Never mind the sea views, what about mineral rights!
  18. Lots of places in the city. Fuze is good! Loads of pubs are closing down. The RSL's and social clubs like bowls have the cheapest drinks! I always have a drink in the Christies Beach sailing and lifesaving club when we walk on the prom.
  19. It is so easy for thetrolls to hide behind a no name keyboard. See it on here all the time and on loads of sites. Makes them brave with their snide hit and run comments.
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