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Everything posted by Rachiegarlo

  1. Perhaps it is Jim but Adelaide is still a great place to bring up a family. Where they end up when they're grown is another matter. Adelaide/SA is a smaller population than the Eastern states and so depending which field of work, your child wishes to enter, the available positions in this state may well be filled already or that work doesn't exist here at all.
  2. It's also our mindset. We think nothing of driving to the NSW /Vic border for a day trip if we have to, or driving to Melbourne . We hop on planes to weekend away in Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast and think nothing of it. Our young nick off overseas for one, two ....or more years for work and play. Some come back, some stay. It's a plane ride or two away. Many people in the UK experience their kids never moving back home after Uni. Kids need to build their own lives. You moved to Adelaide ( if you have kids) to give them a better life, more options etc. If they use all this to have the courage to up and move somewhere else, build a new life etc they are only building on what you did. My girls are in Europe, with FaceTime, Facebook, IMs etc it doesn't matter how far away they are. I often wake up to little messages on my phone in the morning or even have chats in the car facetimeing them(hands free of course ). If you moved here there are no guarantees for your kids , if you stay in the UK there are no guarantees either. Life is what you make of it, but it helps if you have had a good start, which means you enter adulthood with wide horizons and sense of place no matter where you are in the world.
  3. Oooh take your daughter for a walk into the parklands north of melbourne St. Walk round the riding track until you see the horses. There are three paddocks in those parklands, so the horses may have been rotated to the far one. Then walk round until you find the playground on LeFevre Tce. When you have finished there walk across Lefevre Tce at the lights and down Tynte St to Perrymans Bakery. Here you can buy mini pies and pasties and the most splendiferous butter biscuits. The apple buns are not bad either. Best to go in the morning, because the school next door sends there for their lunch orders and people drop by to pick up things for lunch and things sell out quickly.
  4. I have sent money over to my daughters using Western Union. It's almost instant that the money is available to them. Most post offices here have the forms and it costs only a little to send, increasing with amount to be sent. The office here will give you a printout with a number you have to give the recipient. The recipient then goes to any Western Union office in the nominated city with this number and ID to pick up the money ... and everyone's happy. Good for emergencies and birthday money.
  5. St Francis de Salles is popular in Mount Barker. It is a Rec to yr 12 school.
  6. You wont have much success with your mango, they are native to the northerly parts and so get loads of tropical rain.
  7. Here's the flier for the family show on a Saturday. http://www.wallis.com.au/sites/default/files/Family%20Flix%202013.pdf
  8. Also cheap cos it's about $20 per car per film. It's great in summer too, with chairs around the car , kids lying on top.
  9. In short ...No.... Can someone explain footy in general to me
  10. Rachiegarlo


    I think a lot of us are going to be neoghandi- ites due to the democratic society we live in, where hopefully we have absorbed tolerance. I agree there was an American slant ...was waiting for the right to bear arms question to pop up in the form of civil liberty etc, in fact the use of those two words are a dead gve away cos , Aussies don't rant about their civil liberties and nor do UK-ites.
  11. Got up ,looked out the window and frowned because the lawn needs a haircut already!!! So I guess today I'll be standing a little closer to Aus earth.
  12. Same as Keith, CBA always helpful, great internet banking interface. Can't beat Kaching for your handy on the move banking on your phone and to top it all off when you enter the bank there is a concierge to enquire what you need, direct you to the right place and look up the information you need.
  13. A long time ago, when I was 10 , I arrived in Australia at the end of October. I started school about 3 weeks later and had about 4 weeks tile the end of the school year. I made a few friends, worked out what was what and went up into yr 6 the following school year. I would say it wont hurt him at all. If the school is happy to accept him whenever you arrive then chuck him in asap. Considering the time he has already spent at school then I'm sure he won't have any problems. Plenty of time during the school holidays for exploring and he may have found a few possible friends by then too. Also as the children who start school in term 4 will still be settling in I'm sure it will be fine.
  14. http://www.internationalstudents.sa.edu.au/primary-school-student All the info you need is here. Your children are classed as International students when enrolled in state schools. You pay the fees set out by the government. If you send your children to private schools, then you pay the private school fees plus an international student component to cover the funding the school receives for an Australian child.
  15. I no longer think anything of walking round London or anywhere in me thongs cos if me feet are sore, there's nothing like wearing thongs hahahahah. I no longer know any of the TV celebrities in the UK , I'm stuck in 78. I no longer think there's anything exotic about getting on a 24 hr flight to UK and coming back in a week/2 weeks. It's just what we do sometimes. I no longer think that chips require salt and vinegar, only chicken salt is required. : )
  16. People should feel free to ask if there is any accommodation available, if any one has a room etc, replies can be given by PM. Leasebreaks are still allowed to be posted as such within the rental / real estate section.
  17. Rachiegarlo

    Granny Flats

    Or with a big enough block, you could design your own house, maybe a two storey, where half of the downstairs area has another kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, sitting room and can be entered through the outside and also through the main house via an internal door. Good for emergencies. The other thing you could build is a "pool room" for your future pool with a kitchenette and bathroom for entertaining. This could sit quite nicely at the end of your garden with the "planned pool" between. There are houses with existing granny flats though, you just have to search through the ads for them.
  18. Air France often has cheap deals. It also gives you the option of flying to more regional airports in the UK from Paris. Your ticket to Sydney will be included in the price they quote.
  19. It doesn't matter what the original meaning was, there are many words used in "common speak" whose actual meaning is the total opposite from how it is used now.... eg terrific. If a large percentage of Australians believe in the positive aspect of "the lucky country" then surely this helps to buoy up their positive views of their country and their place in the world.
  20. The checking of luggage all the way through depends whether the airlines have an agreement. Most of the big ones do so it shouldn't be a problem. If your ticket has been issued for the whole flight, rather than multiple flights then I would say your luggage will be checked all the way through.
  21. The top 10 schools all enforce their zones, unless entry is through a specialist programme. If you want your child to go to these schools, then you will hve to rent somewhere within the school zone. The only exception to this is Adelaide which is so busting at the seams that this applies to yr 8 admission only and they have special dispensation not to have to take other kids in other years unless there is space in that year level. most areas have smallish 2 BR units to rent. You need to show a rental agreement for one year. Once your child is enrolled, you could feasibly move after 6 months and your child would not have to move schools.
  22. ​http://www.burccollege.sa.edu.au http://www.gspv.sa.edu.au
  23. 1st Sunday of every month 3pm. Will update once info expanded on, but post your details here.
  24. go to https://admin.campion.com.au/ebooklists/default.asp . This is where most of the private schools place their booklists for students to order. State schools lend you the books for the year and also some private schools too. Your daughter will be able to get a good idea of the range of books used here.
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