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Visa Grant Backlog


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Hi all we were hoping to have our visa soon but got this email from our agent today and we feel gutted.


"We have been advised by Immigration that they have had a greater than expected demand this year of applications in Subclasses 190 and 489 and steps have been taken to ensure the planning levels do not exceed those authorised by the Minister. It's difficult to give an estimate on how long applications will now take to finalise, even if the applicant has completed health and character checks, but it could be the case that some applications will not be finalised now until after the new financial year in July 2014."


And so the waiting continues................:arghh:

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How frustrating for you. I can remember living the parallel life - one foot already off to Australia but having to carry on as usual in the UK just waiting, waiting....


Still July's not too far away and your mornings must be getting lighter because it was pitch black here when I got up this morning, first morning I'd noticed it this year :(

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This is very recent and we are just starting to obtain feedback on this matter, it relates to the SC 190 and 489 visas.


It appears that the department may be close to their quota for these visas and there may be delays in processing.


If applying for one of these visas and you had been considering front loading PCCs and Meds it may be worth waiting until we have a clearer picture of the situation.

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Hi all we were hoping to have our visa soon but got this email from our agent today and we feel gutted.


"We have been advised by Immigration that they have had a greater than expected demand this year of applications in Subclasses 190 and 489 and steps have been taken to ensure the planning levels do not exceed those authorised by the Minister. It's difficult to give an estimate on how long applications will now take to finalise, even if the applicant has completed health and character checks, but it could be the case that some applications will not be finalised now until after the new financial year in July 2014."


And so the waiting continues................:arghh:


Hi Toneless,


I am really sorry to hear that, so stressful anyway you really did not need the delay!!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you xxx

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Guest LadyBug

I guess I will have to wait, too. At the moment I am so angry at my panel clinic. It took them 18 days to send our evidences of health to Australia. 18 days!! And then they need another week just to get there.

If we went to a clinic that was using eMedical system, we would already have our visa in our pocket.


And then I got scared as hell when I realized yesterday that my occupation is no longer on SA State Migration Plan. I was advised that that fact doesn't affect me, since I've already got my invitation and I've already lodged my application which has also already been allocated to a CO. I hope that's true and that I can breathe normally. TeeTMI, what do you think?

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Hi all,


I can also confirm there is a backlog, we are going on a 190 and our case officer has advised us that limits have been reach for the year and that it will not be finalised until the first week of july :(


That said the CO said our medicals have cleared....so I guess indirectly that means we have a grant??

Also because our PCC was cleared on 18/02/14, that means when the visa is granted we only have 7 months (from july) in enter Australia.


That said we hope to move by August anyway. Hope the situation changes before then!

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Hi all' date='


I can also confirm there is a backlog, we are going on a 190 and our case officer has advised us that limits have been reach for the year and that it will not be finalised until the first week of july :(


That said the CO said our medicals have cleared....so I guess indirectly that means we have a grant??

Also because our PCC was cleared on 18/02/14, that means when the visa is granted we only have 7 months (from july) in enter Australia.


That said we hope to move by August anyway. Hope the situation changes before then![/quote']



How is this even possible? They really should keep better track of the amount of invitations handed out.

Now it's going to be nail-biting until July, that's just not fair. Especially if you don't even have a CO yet.


I certainly hope they will come up with a solution.


Let us know if you hear anything



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Guest wen66
Hi all we were hoping to have our visa soon but got this email from our agent today and we feel gutted.


"We have been advised by Immigration that they have had a greater than expected demand this year of applications in Subclasses 190 and 489 and steps have been taken to ensure the planning levels do not exceed those authorised by the Minister. It's difficult to give an estimate on how long applications will now take to finalise, even if the applicant has completed health and character checks, but it could be the case that some applications will not be finalised now until after the new financial year in July 2014."


And so the waiting continues................:arghh:


Oh, this is not good. We've applied for a 190 and are nearly 6 weeks in waiting for a CO. Why July? Surely they should process the visas with CO allocated. I hope they don't close the doors like NSW.

Fingers crossed everyone. This waiting, not knowing, is a nightmare, limbo life.....x

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It's all so frustrating. We phoned our agent to see if there's anything we can do & she said basically we just have to wait. She also said that this isn't the first time that this has happened. Didn't seem to be any delays when they were taking the visa application fee though.


Good luck all. Hopefully we'll all be receiving good news soon :)

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Hi all we were hoping to have our visa soon but got this email from our agent today and we feel gutted.


"We have been advised by Immigration that they have had a greater than expected demand this year of applications in Subclasses 190 and 489 and steps have been taken to ensure the planning levels do not exceed those authorised by the Minister. It's difficult to give an estimate on how long applications will now take to finalise, even if the applicant has completed health and character checks, but it could be the case that some applications will not be finalised now until after the new financial year in July 2014."


And so the waiting continues................:arghh:



I know that this is pomsinadelaide, but are you all applying for SA state sponsorship? Am thinking that it may just be that SA has almost reached its max? like NSW did in december.


I have lodged 190 for WA, people on pomsinoz seem to be worried from reading this thread. As of now, none of us on poms in oz who are going for different states have had such emails.


Thinking maybe its just SA???

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Guest lollypops1

I hate to say this but every july the government changes the visas and they may be delaying so that they cqn cancel certain visas! This happened when we were first looking to apply and after july they had totally changed how we could apply x

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Guest Claire-n-tel
the CO said our medicals have cleared....so I guess indirectly that means we have a grant??


Kev/Liz Never bank on anything.......you will never 'indirectly' have a visa until it is in your sticky little mit!:wink:

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Guest Claire-n-tel
Why is there no official post of this anywhere? Wouldn't they make an announcement on their website?


Hi Weaz.....people with their applications in i guess would tend not to look at the website anymore, it is more relyable for immi to send emails to the people that it would apply to.....

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Hi Weaz.....people with their applications in i guess would tend not to look at the website anymore, it is more relyable for immi to send emails to the people that it would apply to.....


Hi claire,


thanks for your update.

Sending an email to the concerned people is fine, but then they should send an email to everyone concerned.

There is now a whole bunch of people wondering if it's true that they will have to bear this weight until July.

With the added uncertainty that the visa-rules could change in July!

Considering the price we paid, I'd say we have the right to be informed...

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Guest Claire-n-tel
Hi claire,


thanks for your update.

Sending an email to the concerned people is fine, but then they should send an email to everyone concerned.

There is now a whole bunch of people wondering if it's true that they will have to bear this weight until July.

With the added uncertainty that the visa-rules could change in July!

Considering the price we paid, I'd say we have the right to be informed...


Hi Weaz.....the way i have always understood it, if this concerns you, you will either receive an email, or be informed when you log in to your application. If July will still be within the stated time frame for your visa you may not need to be informed at all. Sorry not sure what you mean by 'bear this weight until july'? I'm fairly sure that in all the visa paperwork etc it states that timeframes are only a guide and that rules and visas may change as required.


I know its easy to say but seriously try not to stress too much, until anyone actually has their visa in hand nothing is a sure thing. If things work out You don't want to look back on your last months in the uk as being your most stressful ever. Make the most of it and live life to the full :wubclub:

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