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Everything posted by snifter

  1. Hello and welcome. I"m not aware of anyone recently on here looking to rehome a dog. In all honesty, you are probably better going through one of the known rescues if you are looking to rehome. RSPCA, SA Dog Rescue https://www.sadogrescue.com/ (they tend to list more dogs on FB I think) or the AWL https://awl.org.au/adopt (we found ours listed by a small rescue on this site). Also Scruffer Lovers is another one https://www.petrescue.com.au/groups/10238/Scruffer-Lovers?listings=active#pet-listings (they are on FB also). And of course the Pet Rescue site in general for SA rehomings listings https://www.petrescue.com.au/listings/search/dogs?page=1&per_page=12&state_id[]=6 (Jett looks adorable on there IMHO).
  2. That seems very steep. We have relatives with full braces and who didn't pay close to that. Cannot imagine its more than doubled in price in just a few years. I'd probably phone round a number of dentists and get their pricing. I tend to shop around for dentists and our son goes to a different one to us and I'm planning on changing to his one also after 2 years with my current one. Mainly because of pricing and I am fed up being asked for all these expensive extras every single time I go in.
  3. You may find more people who have made that decision and who actively post about it all over on our sister site, Poms in Oz https://www.pomsinoz.com/ We have quite a few active members from all over Australia who are currently in the process of moving to the UK for various reasons.
  4. I'd check with your shipping company. You say weapons so would need to check they can be imported or if you require a licence.
  5. Its not the best time of year as lots of the harvesting of crops in and around Adelaide has been done. There are going to be some going but not sure the demand on those jobs from other backpackers. Could be they have headed to a warmer climate over winter so less people to fill the jobs. Might be worth to check out the YH's notice boards and see if there is anything listed there. Also Gumtree and the backpacker sites job listings. I know of farms but they are all a long ways from Adelaide itself and would mean a 3 month stint and honestly don't think they have anything this time of year. Or else he could research and go interstate for the 3 months to a farm or station that will go toward his regional work. Found this listing of more local places http://www.visabureau.com/australia/farm-work-south-australia.aspx Whatever he does, he needs to make sure its a legit business/company that is able to sign off on his regional work once done. And to ensure he reads the ins and outs of what he has to do hours wise etc to qualify. Make himself fully informed. So often people misunderstand or don't bother to learn the actual requirements and think a few hours a day over 88 days is enough or fall short of actual hours worked or earnings and therefore don't get their second year. Would be a shame to do all that seasonal work for not great pay and to not qualify for the second year. He can read about it in more detail but here are a couple of links that explain it better than I can (if he isn't already up to speed). https://www.88daysandcounting.com/getting-signed-off/ https://www.88daysandcounting.com/88-days-eligibility/ http://www.visabureau.com/australia/second-year-visa.aspx Edited to add - If he is wanting to visit somewhere but not go too far (would have to live on site for the duration) then Kangaroo Island may be worth a look. Be cold this time of year for sure but could offer him options.
  6. Nope. We have Foxtel (the sports package and HD) and hardly watch free to air. There will be the odd series I'll want to watch but I tend to record them and watch them later so I can skip the ads and stuff. Oh and some sporting events on free to air. We did have the Entertainment package on Foxtel, with all the channels like the BBC First, Showcase etc but binned that when we got Netflix. We also have Netflix and Amazon Prime (which gets us the Amazon streaming). No end of options there. Your local library can be a good place to hire TV series and movies. IIRC they are free to rent (but that could depend on your local council). If they don't have it in you can order it.
  7. Hello. You may want to post this and ask on the 887 thread here https://www.pomsinadelaide.com/topic/44612-887-visa-whats-the-update/
  8. Please post in this thread for the 887 chat https://www.pomsinadelaide.com/topic/44612-887-visa-whats-the-update/
  9. You may get more replies if you post here in the 887 thread https://www.pomsinadelaide.com/topic/44612-887-visa-whats-the-update/
  10. Please post and ask in the active 887 thread we have going. These new threads often don't get any replies as people stick to the main 887 thread. I'll lock this one https://www.pomsinadelaide.com/topic/44612-887-visa-whats-the-update/
  11. For 887 visa chat this is the thread you need to be posting in. https://www.pomsinadelaide.com/topic/44612-887-visa-whats-the-update/
  12. MOD NOTICE Please note that the URL for this thread has changed. An 887 thread was merged with this one but the new thread overrode this thread's URL for some reason. The URL for this thread, '887 visa -whats the update' is now https://www.pomsinadelaide.com/topic/44612-887-visa-whats-the-update/ Thanks in advance
  13. The URL may now read differently due to a merging of threads not working as thought.
  14. I'm not talking the walk to the local park at the end of the street, these are more the have a morning, afternoon or even day out taking in the trails in the bigger conservation, recreation and national parks. This is a great list for those that enjoy roaming a bit more than across a local oval or along a beach or local park or who fancy a change. https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/goodliving/posts/2018/02/dogs-part-2 Also, if you are wanting to know which of these or other parks are on leash or off leash places (many are on leash for various reasons, usually wildlife and habitat protecting) there is a full list here https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/parks/Visiting/dogs-in-parks We take our dog to quite a few of the listed parks and have never had an issue in keeping him on a long leash. He's enjoyed it, walked for miles/hours and been safe and kept safe because of it. I'd never dream of letting him off during these walks. Having him on a leash saved his life when a brown snake crossed our path (had he been off he'd have been after it and I am sure would have most likely ended up bitten and therefore dead soon after). We also often see koalas and sometimes roos and emus and being on a leash means he can't risk scaring or hurting them nor them hurting him. The reasons for on leash being the norm in most parks. Why does my dog need to be on a lead? If your dog is unleashed, it is more likely to impact on native wildlife and other visitors in a park and be at risk itself. Risks to wildlife: Dogs off tracks will leave a scent in the bush that will keep wildlife away. Uncontrolled dogs may frighten wildlife and disrupt their natural behaviour. Some dogs will kill or injure wildlife. Risks to other park visitors Dogs may be aggressive to other park visitors. Even friendly dogs can knock people over causing injury. Some people want to enjoy parks without dogs. Risks to your dog Poison baits may be laid to control foxes. Baits can be fatal to dogs. Even if your dog is friendly, other dogs may not be. Your dog can catch parasites (such as fleas and ticks) from wildlife. Snake bites are a real risk in natural areas such as parks. Wildlife such as kangaroos and koalas will defend themselves if threatened by a dog and can cause significant injury to or the death of your dog.
  15. She needs to work through the Gov website on the 190. https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/visa-1/190- I would imagine she would need a skills assessment. And to be invited to apply. And a certain number of points (it may be 60, it may be more is needed) https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/supporting/Pages/190/points-table.aspx If she is struggling to get to grips with it all, she may well be advised to run her case past a reputable migration agent to see if she stands a chance at a visa.
  16. Childcare. What kind exactly? Not sure an HGV driver is on the list. Not sure what childcare related jobs are on the list. Possibly managerial. You need to start with the skills list. See if you could be eligible depending on your qualifications, skills and experience. https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/work/work/skills-assessment-and-assessing-authorities/skilled-occupations-lists?utm_campaign=DonanimHaber&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=DonanimHaber
  17. Can’t help re VEVO and update details. Afaik you can carry her old passport also and if need be a copy of the visa grant notice to go with it.
  18. snifter

    405 visa

    It’s not a visa many seem to apply for. If you want a much bigger pool of people to hopefully get some replies, you may be better to post and ask this over on our sister site, PIO.
  19. Hello and welcome Read in your other post your kids are growing up. I look at mine and can't believe where the years have gone Sounds like you are a pretty long ways away from where we live as we are down in the southern foothills sort of thing. Happy to try to arrange to meet up for a coffee or something sometime though. Probably could come into the city or someplace mid way. Bit full on over the next few weeks as got birthdays on weekends and some kids sleepovers and stuff going on. Once that is all out the way though its looking a lot clearer in my diary. Can't usually do anything in the week as work/kids and sports stuff means I am pretty busy running round.
  20. Yes, an RRV is needed.
  21. Does she have a RRV to enable her to get back into Australia? The travel portion on the visa lasts 5 years iirc. After that (unless citizenship is gained) an RRV is required. She should apply before she goes and hopefully it will be granted in time. https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/visa-1/155-
  22. snifter


    You only need one thread on this, I’ve deleted the other duplicates.
  23. I've often wondered how things were going for you, so good to see you drop in with an update. Enjoy Mt Barker And yes, Carn The Crows We are season members and don't miss a home game. Will also be down in Melbourne later in the year and will see them play there too. Love the footy.
  24. You may be better posting this in the 887 thread. Skip to the last page and ask there
  25. Mod notice When replying to this thread, please make sure you hit the ‘REPLY TO THIS TOPIC’ button at the top of each page of the thread. Or if wanting to quote a specific post, ensure you click on the word QUOTE in the bottom left corner of each post. For some reason people seem to keep hitting the report post icon (the small flag near top right corner of each post) when trying to post and so it ends up going through as a report for mods, not an actual post others will see in the thread. Thanks in advance
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