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Is it time to stop bringing any more migrants in?


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Guest Guest75

Just kill this thread and lock it now,point scoring is not what this forum is about!


It was contentious as soon as it was started!!!!:arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh:

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Just kill this thread and lock it now,point scoring is not what this forum is about!


It was contentious as soon as it was started!!!!:arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh:




The thread was reviewed by mods and admin and felt fine to leave. If reports are made we'll of course take a look at them and assess if action needs to be taken. Right now, I'm not seeing anything being reported from this thread recently. I went back and checked.

It would not be fair of me to hijack the thread replying to you discussing the discussion being discussed :) If you (or anyone) has concerns about the thread, report them or drop me (or another mod) a PM.

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Just kill this thread and lock it now,point scoring is not what this forum is about!


It was contentious as soon as it was started!!!!:arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh:


Perhaps if everyone shows their "like" of Tyke's comment we could get thread locked down or people can complain directly to the mods then this may have the same effect?

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Guest Guest75
The thread was reviewed by mods and admin and felt fine to leave. If reports are made we'll of course take a look at them and assess if action needs to be taken. Right now, I'm not seeing anything being reported from this thread recently. I went back and checked.

It would not be fair of me to hijack the thread replying to you discussing the discussion being discussed :) If you (or anyone) has concerns about the thread, report them or drop me (or another mod) a PM.


I did not say there was anything "report worthy" in this thread.

It is just going around in circles.

Points have been made.

People can draw their own conclusions.

Energies should perhaps be directed at other matters such as actually helping people on this forum.

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I did not say there was anything "report worthy" in this thread.

It is just going around in circles.

Points have been made.

People can draw their own conclusions.

Energies should perhaps be directed at other matters such as actually helping people on this forum.




You may not like the thread, however with well over 8000 views and 200 replies it has been one of the most participated in thread for a long time. It is in the 'Barbie' section so people know it's for banter etc. There is nothing stopping anyone helping others on all the active migration (etc) threads open on the forum. Like with any forum, there may be some areas that are more suited to some people than others. If you are uncomfortable with this section then please feel at liberty not to read it.



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Not sure either Tyke (and Kris) why you are calling for it to be shut down when on the previous page of the thread there were people helping others (i.e. working electricians suggesting routes to find work to job-seeking electricians)?


It's a tough job market out there at the moment, as I think all of us living here in Adelaide already have agreed, with non-existent jobs appearing on job search sites, cancelled government projects, redundancies left right and centre and a general slowdown in the building trade, and anything that will help people already here find something to pay the bills can't be a bad thing, nor will anything that makes those not here yet do that little bit extra research before they arrive.

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Not saying it should be shut down Diane. Just a few people have made a comment that it should be so it is possibly a way to gauge if people want it to be -or not. It certainly has stirred a lot of emotions and not necessarily a bad thing. We are all adults. And we can choose to ignore the thread there are lots of other threads on here. I know it is hard to gauge on a forum without seeing people's expression etc, but the tone has seemed to be belittling of some other people's comments. One person has said that they won't participate for a while as it seems to be hanging about. (Not their exact words but something to that effect) I think if people want it shut down they should say so to the mods like NWM has mentioned or "like" one of the comments made by Tyke or one of the others. And if they don't then we should just live with it until it fizzles out normally. It's just if people are offended by it then they should take the option suggested by NWM an complain to the mods by PM or something.

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Being a migrant myself, I do agree, please stop accepting more migrants, I have been not employed since I came here, I have tried so many jobs that are not related to my line of work, but to no avail... I second the motion.

Edited by Tarek
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Personally I have quite enjoyed reading various posts - as I am desk bound during my lunch break at work, it has been quite entertaining!:wink:


Afterall, I have noticed some of the threads seem to be on a rotation system :SLEEP:and this has been quite refreshing, whatever your experience/opinion!



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I was listing to the Irish hour on the radio today and there was a story on it about backpackers in Perth using soup kitchens at night for a free meal as they can not find work due to the down turn and the woman that runs it was complaining that it was for homeless people but she has on average 10 backpackers looking for a meal. I thought Perth or W.A was booming according to what you hear.

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I was listing to the Irish hour on the radio today and there was a story on it about backpackers in Perth using soup kitchens at night for a free meal as they can not find work due to the down turn and the woman that runs it was complaining that it was for homeless people but she has on average 10 backpackers looking for a meal. I thought Perth or W.A was booming according to what you hear.


I think Perth is one of those places where if you are doing well, life is fine, but it's very expensive so for anyone not working must be doubly hard.


Was thinking about this more today, and I just feel that it's like taking a country that's suffering from famine, and bringing in a heap of new people: ok, in the long term the new people will improve the overall situation as they'll grow more food, but in the short term it means the food available will have to be shared out amongst even more people and during that stage, it could mean a lot of suffering for people already on the edge. Perhaps one solution to the current situation would be for new visas to only be issued to those people who already have jobs to come to?

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I did not say there was anything "report worthy" in this thread.

It is just going around in circles.

Points have been made.

People can draw their own conclusions.

Energies should perhaps be directed at other matters such as actually helping people on this forum.




At this point in time its not felt needed to close. As has been pointed out there is a conversation going re job hunting and after 20 or so pages of thread we don't see splitting it out now serves any real purpose so happy to leave it and let people discuss here if they wish. Those not wishing to contribute or read the thread anymore simply only have to not read any more of it or post to it.


I am sure the thread will go idle in its own time when its ready but it appears some wish to natter here still and are being given help by others so happy to leave it. People are of course welcome to make use of the rest of the forum in the meantime if they so wish :)

Edited by snifter
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Guest vikkiann
I think I'll take a break from Poms in Adelaide until this thread has died the natural death it really needs too.


I think that'll be quite a while but I agree with you. After many years, it's time to step away from this forum because posts like this are not helping new wannabe migrants.

Life here can be hard but I personally don't know anybody out of work. Maybe I only know the lucky one's

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I don't see debate topics as being terrible or bad news for the forum or its members. We don't have many of them and certainly rarely do threads go on for so many pages. Its stimulated debate between adults, people have posted or are posting on here. Conversation, views, opinions and so on are being expressed.


Do we have to sanitise what we write here or dress everything up in fluff and marshmallows for PIA membership? I hope not as that is far from the real world and denying the membership its voice if they wish to express things from the not so bright side of living in South Australia or their experiences of employment and anything else you can poke a stick at. People living in Australia (and anywhere else for that matter if they wish to chime in) have as much right to discuss the downsides, employment or visa issues/concerns, the negatives or the not so good alongside the positives, the happy or good visa news, employment and general good news and fluff. Sure others might not have those same experiences or views but we cannot deny people if they wish to post them.


Compared to many threads I've read on our sister site PIO and elsewhere on the internet this is positively tame. Its barely even smouldering round the edges, let alone flaming yet people are getting their knickers twisted its dared go on so long or that people have dared to express an opinion that isn't all painting a happy or content picture. People interpret the written word differently and can often read into it what they want to see and perhaps not what the person writing was intending. We also can't see facial expressions, hear intonation in conversation or any of that. We can only read what is is front of us and interpret it how we will. Not everyone is going to read the words and interpret the same way. If I get peed off by something someone writes on an internet forum I usually just take 5 from the computer and put it into perspective in relation to my life and my priorities and actual issues. Usually its forgotten about within minutes as tbh I have far more important things in my life than to waste time being angry or annoyed by someone on the internet.


I think this forum will be a poorer place if we start saying people cannot discuss the negatives or the not so good things as and when they wish. If people have a thread that isn't all happy sunny Adelaide or says that the economic or employment situation in some field or other is struggling or is the skilled migrant visa all its meant to be then so be it IMHO.


This thread has some positives in it, alongside the not so good news and discussion. I have noted that in the more recent pages some people were posting and getting a bit of help re job hunting and so on, so if that is a bad thing and you don't like to see the good people are doing, fine, choose not to see those posts. The debate had wound down and the thread was slowly fading also. People have kept it going as they have posted complaining it should be locked or that it has no place on here anymore. Debate that if you wish to also and keep it going some more. A thread is only as active as those posting replies and reading it.


If people choose not to post because they don't like a thread, not much to be done about that. If people choose to leave the forum because thread has gone on for 20 plus pages, again, their call. I wish you well. I won't say more as I don't do leaving posts or threads for anyone, myself included.

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I don't see debate topics as being terrible or bad news for the forum or its members. We don't have many of them and certainly rarely do threads go on for so many pages. Its stimulated debate between adults, people have posted or are posting on here. Conversation, views, opinions and so on are being expressed.


Do we have to sanitise what we write here or dress everything up in fluff and marshmallows for PIA membership? I hope not as that is far from the real world and denying the membership its voice if they wish to express things from the not so bright side of living in South Australia or their experiences of employment and anything else you can poke a stick at. People living in Australia (and anywhere else for that matter if they wish to chime in) have as much right to discuss the downsides, employment or visa issues/concerns, the negatives or the not so good alongside the positives, the happy or good visa news, employment and general good news and fluff. Sure others might not have those same experiences or views but we cannot deny people if they wish to post them.


Compared to many threads I've read on our sister site PIO and elsewhere on the internet this is positively tame. Its barely even smouldering round the edges, let alone flaming yet people are getting their knickers twisted its dared go on so long or that people have dared to express an opinion that isn't all painting a happy or content picture. People interpret the written word differently and can often read into it what they want to see and perhaps not what the person writing was intending. We also can't see facial expressions, hear intonation in conversation or any of that. We can only read what is is front of us and interpret it how we will. Not everyone is going to read the words and interpret the same way. If I get peed off by something someone writes on an internet forum I usually just take 5 from the computer and put it into perspective in relation to my life and my priorities and actual issues. Usually its forgotten about within minutes as tbh I have far more important things in my life than to waste time being angry or annoyed by someone on the internet.


I think this forum will be a poorer place if we start saying people cannot discuss the negatives or the not so good things as and when they wish. If people have a thread that isn't all happy sunny Adelaide or says that the economic or employment situation in some field or other is struggling or is the skilled migrant visa all its meant to be then so be it IMHO.


This thread has some positives in it, alongside the not so good news and discussion. I have noted that in the more recent pages some people were posting and getting a bit of help re job hunting and so on, so if that is a bad thing and you don't like to see the good people are doing, fine, choose not to see those posts. The debate had wound down and the thread was slowly fading also. People have kept it going as they have posted complaining it should be locked or that it has no place on here anymore. Debate that if you wish to also and keep it going some more. A thread is only as active as those posting replies and reading it.


If people choose not to post because they don't like a thread, not much to be done about that. If people choose to leave the forum because thread has gone on for 20 plus pages, again, their call. I wish you well. I won't say more as I don't do leaving posts or threads for anyone, myself included.


Probably the best post on this thread :notworthy:

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Being a migrant myself, I do agree, please stop accepting more migrants, I have been not employed since I came here, I have tried so many jobs that are not related to my line of work, but to no avail... I second the motion.


Hi Tarek, and I am sorry to hear of your bad luck. Can I ask what line of work you are in?

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A Titanic Analogy!!


Well to me it’s like we have all been sailing on SS Great Britain, a world leader in her day, but now looking old and fragile sitting low in the water better suited to being in dry dock as a tourist a traction of a bye gone age than waiving the rules!!

As SS Great Britain sails upon the seven seas, a few on her decks can see a storm coming others can’t. Some just want to change direction. So the years pass and SS Great Britain’s, old steam engines were starting to lose power and her hold starts to get wet as she takes on water.

Well as luck would have it the Australian cruise ship Prosperity was just passing close by ... one or two walked straight on, some jumped on to her decks, some jumped missed and landed in the water, some of the ones in the water caught a tailing rope and get pulled along. The strong, swam like hell in her wake.. A few clever bods on SS Great Britain could see in the wake of Prosperity, the wave ......IT..... Produced, so surf board in hand, jumped and rode the .....IT wave...!

On the upper decks the first new life boats had been put into the water and left with half empty seats but this left loads of provisions and room in the new life boats to go round. The boats still sat high in the water and were pulled along by Prosperity, picking up any of the swimmers they could see.

Well as time passed SS Great Britain engines stopped and she sank on to a sand bank with her gunnels just touching the water, the waves crashed over her and people got wet, she wouldn’t sink any further but she couldn’t move either. The stokers on the low decks, noticed their feet were starting to get wet. And decided to leave and started to make the uphill struggle to the upper decks so they too could take their chance’s and jump over the side..and may be make it to a new life boat.

More passengers and crew gathered on deck wondering whether to leave this grand old ship and all their dining table friends, taking their chances in the water while trying and make it to a new life boat.

Two clever crew members (M.I.Gration and A Gent) both Bar Stewards! Reckoned there was some money to be made here, selling tickets to get over the side of SS Great Britain... “yeah! Don’t worry just over the gunnels lots of new life boats, so many you will be able to walk along them to catch up with Prosperity” all yours for just £10.. pom

Well the new life boats started to sell well so the price went up! And the new life boats that left SS Great Britain increased with more and more people on them. And now people jumped into the water to swim to the new life boats. Some had remembered to take their A ticket with them so they would be allowed in to the new life boat. Some had research enough to know they needed a A ticket for the new life boat. Some had been told the new life boats are just there, just hop on over....only to find them self’s treading water till they found a A ticket.

So the storm that had caught out SS Great Britain final started to catch up to the new life boats,, the ones that had left SS Great Britain first were less affected, on the cruise ship Prosperity the sun still shone, with the pink Gins tasting just as good as ever...., To the last ones in the new life boats which were getting tossed back out into the water as they had yet to establish a hand hold on the new life boat. and the one’s still in the water struggling to find a new life boat or a space in a new life boat or even see a boat! ..

Through her binoculars the lookout “Diane” notice’s the seas starting to swell and sends a message to all boats “should we stop people entering the water?”...

On Prosperity, The passengers and crew looked back and can only just see the grand old ship SS Great Britain now a shadow in the distance and recall the good times and don’t see the heads of people in the water or the one’s in the new life boats .... “ come on in the waters fine”

In the new life boats, the people look back and see SS Great Britain now sitting low in the water... but miss the heads in the water because of all the other new life boats.. “its a struggle but we did it ... see you soon”.

To the people in the water.... what was that message... splash..... sorry.... splash .... “ Fantastic more people to swim with!!!”

Hang on..... whats that .... it ok its the Coast Guard Ship HMAS Centrelink...

“Good day.....arr sorry you haven’t been in the water long enough yet! Keep swiming”



some time later.....Look out to all boats.. “ no I think some people are really struggling”

Prosperity... “piffle how can anyone be struggling when the Gin is this good.....much laughter ....just not trying man” we’ve just cut the interest rates what more do they want”

New life boats... “ rubbish there’s loads of boats as far as the I can see.... look there’s a seat just there.. oh no wait ... ar they had just been on maternity leave” “oh turn the radio off love, it’s all very depressing” “ok dear lets not turn it back on till the noise’s from the water die’s down ... right shall we have the Smiths and Jones’s over tonight I so want to show them the new barbeque”

People in the water.. “sorry can’t make your Barbie.... and we would only put dampner on it”

Edited by Trickyshel
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Interesting to read of this new party that's being talked about:


From Indaily 6th May


The Stable Population Party is hoping to put “the everything issue” high on the upcoming federal election agenda, announcing senate candidates in SA, and nationally, in the coming weeks.

“If you immediately balance emigration and permanent immigration we’d still grow by 3 million over the next couple of decades (and) we’d still hit 26 mill by mid-century,” Stable Population Party founder William Bourke said.

“I don’t think that governments are looking at the big picture, instead they are relying on lazy options like housing and holes [for economic growth] and we must be treating this as a top issue.”

Dick Smith has been the most high profile business person to give this cause breathing room – campaigning against population growth.

Its advocates believe zero population growth will reduce demand for infrastructure, which is outstripping all level of governments’ capacity to fund it, create an environmentally sustainable society and help fight against the impact of climate change.

Bourke also believes a stable population is a solution to the development debates being fought across Adelaide.

“We are looking to minimise over development including both high rise and sprawl,” he said.

“It’s not easy being in government and we are not totally critical but in terms of what they have to understand is that population growth is the problem that is masquerading as a cure for itself.”

Former Democrat MLC and Sustainable Population Australia lobby group spokesperson Sandra Kanck said if South Australia grew at rate of 1.2 per cent “by the time we get to 2100 we get to 4.8 million people”.

“Has SA got the water resources to sustain almost 5 million people? Anyone with half a brain can work out that, no, we can’t,” Kanck said.

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I have skimmed through the previous posts and will not wade into the immigration debate on a prima facie level. As I write this I am in Melbourne, scouting the city for a good, progressive job in a specialised field that does not exist in Adelaide. When my contract ended a little over a month ago for an employer ( and the only specialist employer in SA) who was was a close fit for my profession, I knew then I'd have to search for greener pastures. Frankly, I never worked for a company whose employees tended to kiss bums just to keep their job rather than kiss arse to secure a promotion. This company, btw, is a heavyweight throughout the country.


No city is perfect in Australia but I have observed that Adelaide, and the whole state in general, is apparently run by incompetents who have no future vision. The less than 2 million residents of South Australia are being financially raped to support the rapidly decreasing economic base, a base consisting of too many welfare recipients and pensioners. Many long-time Adelaide residents, homegrown and otherwise, are becoming alarmed at the deterioration of the economy and are selling up and moving interstate; of course, there will be exceptions to this yet SA has become a backwater and will not recover for decades to come. Sure, it's a great place to raise your kids if you have a decent and secure income and not resort to odd jobs that are beneath one's education and/or experience just to make ends meet.

Hopefully, we can sell our house and move to a place that is vibrant, prosperous and truly inclusive; it will be a daunting task but surely the effort cannot be worse than rising above the decay that this particular state is in. South Australia is in a race to the bottom and I don't think this a viewer friendly sport!

My husband moved from London a couple of decades ago and he now feels that the state is in a dire mess as it has never been before. And, for the record, I am a hopeless optimist who always strives for a balance and rejects knee-jerk reactions.


After all, one can't eat the sun and a beach becomes just that... a beach. Australia has been good to us and will continue to be so -- only not in Adelaide. Cheers!

Edited by emmie
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Come on Emmie, Adelaide has always been a bit backward a bit behind the rest. Its why most of us picked it.BTW I've got to post here as my other thread was locked and I like the last word :biggrin:Welcome back kate :wubclub:
I'm not back I keep trying to sleep and they keep prodding and poking. Anyway more drugs at ten.
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