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State Sponsorship tracker again!

Guest Adelaide_bound

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Hurray!!! I read those magic lines today...Mine is approved..Gearing up with further proceedings! Thankyou guys for all those well wishes..


Well, seems the whole process takes about 40 days by now.

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Get in!!! Well done and many, many congratulations Big Bob I hope you are very happy in ACT and you'll be more than welcome to join us for some chill time in Adelaide!!! Thanks again for all you hard work on the tracker...so pleased for you...you must be buzzing!!! x

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Get in!!! Well done and many, many congratulations Big Bob I hope you are very happy in ACT and you'll be more than welcome to join us for some chill time in Adelaide!!! Thanks again for all you hard work on the tracker...so pleased for you...you must be buzzing!!! x

Hey Eclare...

Thanks a tonne :wink:...Thanks for your kind warmth Eclare..FYI My OH is a dentist in Adelaide... .That will always be my second home anyways...You are always welcome and I do appreciate your help as well...I am on Cloud 9! Believe me !


Congratulations BigBob!

Thanks Helchops...You are doing awesome job there...



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CONGRATULATIONS. Warm hug for you.

My prediction came true with a success rate of 50%.

Yess Buddy...Thanks for your predictions :wubclub:...Actually I got Visa in 20 days...Less than 3 weeks...Still can't beleive it though...But yes...god blessed me:cute:

Big Congrats Big-Bob, am happy for you and cant wait for mine to get through, thisis with ACT I guess!!:v_SPIN:

Thanks Arntoh...Very soon Bruv...You gonna ride blue express soon :biggrin:

Big Bob - Congratulations and good luck! :smile:
Congrats BigBob...


Thank you guys for your wishes...Wish you all good luck...

Congratulations Big Bob, happy days in ACT then!!!!!!

Hey Irishstew...You are a very active member of this thread...You gonna steer it to OZ fine and well...thanks for the wishes...

Awwww huge congrats Bob. Glad to hear it. So, ACT it is then. Be sure you keep in touch with us here :smile:

Hello Boss

Thanks a tonne for your help...Yessss...Canberra is my new home now...although OH is a Dentist in Adelaide...She is studying some radiological stuff in TAFE SA...Will be joining me in March 12...So definitely my other half is Adelaide and will be a frequent flyer there :wink:...You mods are doing awesome job...beleive me (I also mentioned you in my note in PIA,do check it)


Well Done Big Bob Congratulations, so pleased for you, when in Adelaide give the Billia's a shout ..................!!! and a big thanks for the tracker!!:v_SPIN:

I will Billia....For sure...top of my voice...lols:cute:...All the best for your journey too...I felt teacker will definitely draw something :-)...Anyways I will still be around sometimes on PIA and PIO both...Planning to fly around in Mid-Nov...


thanks, kind regards & best wishes for OZ for everyone here

Big Bob

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Guest Adelaide_bound

grats Bob and anyone else with further progress. Sorry I'm not being very cheerleadery for people - unfortunately the very thing I feared has happened at work, and upon handing in my resignation and telling my boss we were leaving she promptly called me to her office and told me they were pretty much seriously investigating me. I can't really go into details without giving hints to my identity that its probably best aren't on an open forum, however needless to say I am in bits and going to the doc tomorrow to be signed off work, don't know if I will be able to return now.


Just trying to hold on the fact in less than 6 months we will be sunning ourselves and starting our new life Down Under, whilst she will still be stuck in wet, miserable and depressing Midlands (no offence to the Midlands, just talking about our bit in particular lol).


Grats once again to everyone, and keep chin up to those *still* waiting :)

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Guest RobJ1978
grats Bob and anyone else with further progress. Sorry I'm not being very cheerleadery for people - unfortunately the very thing I feared has happened at work, and upon handing in my resignation and telling my boss we were leaving she promptly called me to her office and told me they were pretty much seriously investigating me. I can't really go into details without giving hints to my identity that its probably best aren't on an open forum, however needless to say I am in bits and going to the doc tomorrow to be signed off work, don't know if I will be able to return now.


Just trying to hold on the fact in less than 6 months we will be sunning ourselves and starting our new life Down Under, whilst she will still be stuck in wet, miserable and depressing Midlands (no offence to the Midlands, just talking about our bit in particular lol).


Grats once again to everyone, and keep chin up to those *still* waiting :)



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grats Bob and anyone else with further progress. Sorry I'm not being very cheerleadery for people - unfortunately the very thing I feared has happened at work, and upon handing in my resignation and telling my boss we were leaving she promptly called me to her office and told me they were pretty much seriously investigating me. I can't really go into details without giving hints to my identity that its probably best aren't on an open forum, however needless to say I am in bits and going to the doc tomorrow to be signed off work, don't know if I will be able to return now.


Just trying to hold on the fact in less than 6 months we will be sunning ourselves and starting our new life Down Under, whilst she will still be stuck in wet, miserable and depressing Midlands (no offence to the Midlands, just talking about our bit in particular lol).


Grats once again to everyone, and keep chin up to those *still* waiting :)


Oh dear... I hope things work out ok for you.


How very rude of me, congrats Big Bob and enjoy the adventure.

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grats Bob and anyone else with further progress. Sorry I'm not being very cheerleadery for people - unfortunately the very thing I feared has happened at work, and upon handing in my resignation and telling my boss we were leaving she promptly called me to her office and told me they were pretty much seriously investigating me. I can't really go into details without giving hints to my identity that its probably best aren't on an open forum, however needless to say I am in bits and going to the doc tomorrow to be signed off work, don't know if I will be able to return now.


Just trying to hold on the fact in less than 6 months we will be sunning ourselves and starting our new life Down Under, whilst she will still be stuck in wet, miserable and depressing Midlands (no offence to the Midlands, just talking about our bit in particular lol).


Grats once again to everyone, and keep chin up to those *still* waiting :)

Sorry to hear the situation with work/boss. She sounds like a real *insert adjective of your choosing here*. I guess it goes to show you never know how people will react to your news! I hope you're able to get your note from the doc, onwards and upwards!


P.S. Be sure to send her a postcard of sunny South Australia in the middle of her winter. ;-)

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Ok guys bit of an update. I have just found out that I was one month short of the required three years work experience and that was why my application was rejected! They took my work experience from date I qualified as an Accountant (even though I had to demonstrate three years work experience to get that in the first place!) and then ignored my maternity leave. This left me one month short - can't believe it.

Will be resubmitting my application at the end of September to play it safe. Gutted that SS decisions are taking so long now.

Will update you for the tracker when my application is in.


Hi LynseyB, I almost hate to suggest it because this is the PIA forum, but I got a recent note from PIO that the State of Victoria just released their SMP list. Might be worth applying to both SA and VIC (if you're on the list) in case SA decides to say no again? Just a thought...
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